Hamas slams Bahrain foreign minister over calling for open communication with Israel



Senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk, in a post published on his official Twitter page on Thursday, said that Al Khalifah’s call for such recognition by Arab states proved that the “Peace to Prosperity” workshop in Manama was aimed at abdication of Palestinian rights and normalization of the Israeli occupation as part of the fabric of the region.

Speaking in an interview with English-language The Times of Israel daily newspaper on the sidelines of a US-led economic workshop in Manama on Wednesday, the top Bahraini diplomat recognized Israel’s “right to existence,” saying the regime is “there to stay, of course.”

“Who did we offer peace to [with] the [Arab] Peace Initiative? We offered it to … Israel…. We want better relations with it, and we want peace with it,” Khalifah added.

He pointed to the Arab Peace Initiative as the blueprint for normalization of diplomatic relations with Israel, terming the Tel Aviv regime’s rejection of the plan as a “missed opportunity.”

The Arab Peace Initiative, proposed by Saudi Arabia in 2002, calls on Israel to agree to a two-state solution along the 1967 lines and a “just” solution to the Palestinian refugee issue. The initiative has been repeatedly endorsed by the Arab League in 2002, 2007, and 2017.

The Bahraini foreign minister further encouraged Israel to approach Arab leaders about issues of concern regarding the proposal.

“Come and talk to us. Talk to us about it. Say, guys, you have a good initiative, but we have one thing that worries us,” he said.

The so-called Peace to Prosperity workshop opened in Bahrain on June 25 and ran through June 26.

It apparently sought to advance the economic aspects of President Donald Trump’s controversial proposal for “peace” between the Israeli regime and Palestinians, dubbed “the deal of the century.”

The Palestinian leadership boycotted the meeting, leading critics to question the credibility of the event.

Earlier this year, Israel’s Channel 13 television network reported that Bahrain informed Israel more than two years ago that it was interested in normalizing relations.

The Bahraini foreign minister held a secret meeting with former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni on the sidelines of the 2017 Munich Security Conference in Germany, the report said, citing unnamed senior Israeli officials as saying.

He told Livni that Bahrain’s monarch King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa had decided to move towards normalized relations with Tel Aviv.

The top Bahraini diplomat also asked her to pass the message to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which she did.


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