Some 50 countries join FSB’s terrorism database


Nearly 50 countries have joined the database of terrorist organizations created by Russia’s Federal Security Service, but key Western countries haven’t done this so far, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference on Monday.

“For many years, our Federal Security Service has been developing a special project: a database has been created on foreign terrorists and militants. Some 50 countries and 12 international organizations are taking part in this base, but no key Western countries are seen in this project now,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov noted that the goal of this database is to track movements of foreign terrorists and militants across the world.

According to Russia’s top diplomat, Moscow is concerned as the initiative on setting up a global anti-terrorist front under the UN auspices, put forward by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2015, has not been backed by Western colleagues. “It is well known that the West often uses double standards in the war on terror,” he stressed.


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