SDIR condemns Charlie Hebdo’s insulting to Holy Prophet


While denouncing the heinous move taken by Charlie Hebdo’s Magazine in insulting Prophet Muhammad (S) and the Holy Quran, the Society called on all legal and international institutions to follow up the case and deal with the perpetrators of publishing the blasphemous and derogatory cartoon.

Some excerpts of the statement are read as follows:

The republishing of this insulting cartoon against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is part of an Islamophobic project that has been pursued for many years by the Global Arrogance as led by the United States.

Undoubtedly, the publication of this insulting cartoon has hurt the hearts and feelings of all the Muslims throughout the world from all sects and it is up to the Muslims of the world to give a proper answer to the perpetrators of this heinous act.

While strongly condemning this insulting act, the Society of Devotees of the Islamic Revolution calls on all international legal institutions to seriously pursue this case and deal with the perpetrators of the publication of this insulting cartoon. The Society also calls on all Muslims around the world to maintain their unity and integrity and respond appropriately to the publishers of this insulting cartoon.

French magazine Charlie Hebdo republished cartoons insulting the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) on the eve of a trial in Paris of alleged accomplices in a 2015 attack on the magazine’s offices by militant gunmen in which 12 people were killed.



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