Trump using ‘all options on table’ threat against Americans


“All options on the table” has long been a staple of US foreign policy,” Zarif tweeted.

“It simply means the law of the jungle: disregard for a fundamental principle of int’l law: Non-Use of Force,” he added.

“Now, the Trump regime is using the same threat against Americans. A wake-up call? God willing.”

Portland has been the scene of daily protests since the May 25 police killing of unarmed African American George Floyd in Minneapolis.

The 46-year-old died after a white officer knelt on his neck and pinned him to the ground for nine minutes in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Tensions in the city intensified in July after the Trump administration deployed federal agents to crack down on the protests.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said in an open letter to the Republican president on Friday to keep federal troops away from the US city.

Floyd’s death ignited the most widespread civil unrest in the US in decades and unleashed protests against police brutality and for racial justice in America and many world countries, rejuvenating the Black Lives Matter movement.

The police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, also rekindled the flames of protests across the US last week, with human rights activists demanding accountability for the officers involved.

US police shot Blake in the back multiple times in front of three of his children in Kenosha last Sunday.

The shooting of the unarmed 29-year-old, which is said to have left him paralyzed from the waist down, has since sparked violent rallies in Kenosha as well as other cities across the United States, with protesters setting buildings and cars on fire.

Trump, who has taken a hardline stance against the protests, is slated to visit Kenosha on Tuesday to meet law enforcement officials and assess damage caused during demonstrations.




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