Terry Crews, called names for BLM criticism, whips up Twitter storm after reclaiming ethnic slur


Actor Terry Crews has come under fire after tweeting about the need to stay positive, but arranging the words to spell out a racial slur – apparently looking to reclaim the term from opponents angry about his critical view of BLM.

The entertainer and former NFL athlete took to Twitter on Tuesday morning with what appeared to be an uplifting message, “conquer our own negativity,” however the post was written to spell out “COON” as an acronym, immediately catching the internet’s attention and driving Crews into the trends.

Following the post, one supporter pointed out the slur to Crews, asking why he would employ an “outdated term used to tear each other down,” prompting the actor to explain he was merely ‘making lemonade out of lemons’ thrown at him by detractors – having suggested previously that critics had applied the same denigrating term to him.

“The word Coon has been thrown at Terry a lot recently and he’s turning it from a negative to a positive, I understand you don’t agree with the acronym but he deserves a little respect for standing by his values 100%,” one user said in Crews’ defense.

The tweet was nonetheless contentious, with many netizens expressing shock at his open use of the offensive term.

Others were more harsh in their criticism, some even implying Crews is now a Trump supporter, while some commenters were simply exasperated by the steady stream of celebrity melodrama forced into their timeline.

Crews became something of a lightning rod of controversy after airing skepticism about the Black Lives Matter movement last month, voicing concern the project could “morph into black lives better” while urging for social equality across the board, regardless of “race, creed and ideology.” Critics apparently took that stance as outright opposition to BLM, however, with many piling attacks on Crews for aiding “white supremacy,” some hurling racist terms of abuse, including “coon” and “uncle Tom.”

Also on rt.com
Terry Crews slammed for preaching unity for all races and saying BLM should not turn into ‘black lives better’

While many of the reactions to Tuesday’s tweet about positivity were outwardly negative, Crews appears to be making the best out of the drama, poking fun at the controversy in another post.


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