Diplomat calls Trump-Putin talks on Iran ‘encouraging’


Ulyanov stated in a tweet on Friday, “a very encouraging and promising news. Not happens every day. The leaders of Russia and the US had an exchange of views on Iran-related issues.”

“Both sides underlined the need for collective efforts to maintain stability in the region, as well as the global regime of nuclear non- proliferation,” he added.

Kremlin said in a statement on Thursday night that Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with US President Donald Trump to discuss the issue of strategic stability and arms control due to the special responsibility of US and Russia on preserving international peace and security.

Referring to the recent dialogue between Iran and the IAEA Secretariat, Ulyanov added in another message that “The dialogue between Iran and the IAEA Secretariat on the controversial issue of access to two locations in Iran, publicized in the leaked IAEA report in June, seems to be underway. It is good. A reasonable solution should be found.”



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