Belarusian border guards announced that they discovered the body of an Afghan refugee near the Poland border on Monday, April 8th.
Belarusian authorities, after searching the Afghan’s belongings and finding his passport, stated that he was 36 years old. Belarusian media have released images of his body.
Since August 2021, a significant exodus of Afghans has been witnessed as they seek refuge from dire circumstances in Afghanistan. The decision to leave stems from a combination of factors including a severe humanitarian crisis, limited job prospects, and ongoing security threats, compelling many to seek a better future elsewhere, particularly in Europe.
Upon embarking on their journey, Afghans encounter numerous challenges as they traverse through Turkey and neighbouring countries. These hurdles include forced deportation, harassment, and the constant fear of persecution. Despite these obstacles, many are determined to persevere in their quest for safety and opportunity.
The plight of Afghan migrants highlights the urgent need for international attention and assistance. As they navigate treacherous routes and face various forms of adversity, it underscores the importance of addressing the root causes driving their displacement. Efforts to provide support and protection for Afghan refugees are essential in mitigating their suffering and ensuring their fundamental human rights are upheld.
According to Russian media, this is the third body found at the Belarus-Poland border within three months.
Belarus, bordering Poland, is one of the main routes for refugees heading to Europe.
Many refugees have either lost their lives or been detained along this route. Nevertheless, many refugees are still attempting to cross this path.
Simultaneously, Russian news agencies reported on Tuesday, April 9th that the Belarusian migration office detained 29 foreigners, including Afghans, in the capital city.
It’s been reported that none of them had Belarusian visas, and they intended to illegally enter this country to reach the European Union.
Belarus has announced that they will deport all of them and have initiated investigations to identify human traffickers.