Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson said: “The New Pact on Migration and Asylum is in motion. I am very pleased with this second legislative agreement since I took office. We need asylum decisions to be taken in a fast and fair manner and with the same high quality everywhere in Europe. And we need high and convergent reception standards across member states. The new Agency will help achieve this, building on the excellent work of EASO (European Asylum Support Office). It will also help us move away from crisis into preparedness and response – a key step towards sustainable migration management in Europe.”
Elena Yoncheva MEP (S&D, Bulgaria) said: “This is an important step toward an asylum policy based on solidarity, which we are fighting for here in the European Parliament; solidarity with the frontline member states, but also solidarity with those who need protection.”
Building on the experience of the European Asylum Support Office, the new agency will have a reinforced mandate that aims to contribute to:
More efficient asylum systems through greater operational and technical support to member states, including training, preparedness, information analysis, and exchange of information. A reserve of 500 experts including interpreters, case handlers or reception specialists ready to be deployed as part of asylum support teams at the request of member states. Uniform, high-quality decision-making by developing operational standards, indicators, guidelines and best practices for the implementation of Union law on asylum. Better monitoring and reporting on asylum and reception systems to ensure more consistent practices throughout Europe, in line with EU law. Capacity building in non-EU countries to improve asylum and reception systems and support EU resettlement schemes, building on the existing co-operation with UN agencies. |
A long-running saga
The European Commission initially introduced its proposal for an EU asylum agency in May 2016, following the surge of migrants from war-torn Syria. Arriving at a time of deep economic malaise and division, migration further divided European states and pushed political agreement beyond reach. There has been a long hard slog since to achieve broad political agreement. The new Commission brought new impetus to this issue, led by Commissioner Johansson who introduced a new migration and asylum pact proposal in September 2020. The pact maintained the 2016 proposal for an asylum agency that was agreed on today.
“The compromise today on the European Asylum Agency also gives hope for upcoming negotiations on the Migration Pact, the reform package of new EU migration laws. We now urge member states to step up negotiations in an equally constructive way on the Migration Pact for a stronger, more efficient EU migration policy,” said Tomas Tobé MEP, (EPP, Sweden).
Today’s agreement is the second legislative agreement on the new pact proposals, following the agreement on the Blue Card Directive in May.
Since taking up its responsibilities in 2011, EASO has continuously supported EU states in applying EU asylum rules, by providing national country-of-origin information to encourage more uniform decisions, training and setting up dedicated networks of national authorities to enhance operational cooperation on asylum-related matters.
In 2021, EASO is working with a budget of €142 million and some 500 staff. Asylum support teams are present in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain. Over the past 10 years, EASO registered 40% of all asylum applications in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta, carried out 80% of best-interest assessments for children in Greece and supported all post-disembarkation relocations from Cyprus, Italy and Malta.
What next?
The agreement reached today needs to be formally endorsed by the European Parliament and the Council. As soon as the new regulation has entered into force (20 days after publication in the Official Journal), the European Asylum Support Office will become the EU Agency for Asylum and will be able to act based on its new mandate.