62 tons of drugs have been seized at borders over the last 8 months

Over 62 tons of illicit drugs have been seized by Iranian security forces at border areas over the last eight months, Commander of Iran’s Border Police Brigadier General Qassem Reza’ei announced on Tuesday. 


Talking to reporters in the southern coastal city of Bushehr, Raza’ei said, “In addition to ensuring order and security through carrying out purposeful activities and operations in the fight against drug trafficking, the zealous border guards have managed to seize more than 62 tons of illicit drugs along the country’s borders.”

The commander added that the seized amount of illicit drugs in the last 8 months shows a 59 percent increase in comparison to the same period last year.

Iran is in the forefront of the fight against drug trafficking. It has made many sacrifices to protect the world from the danger of drugs.

The border police chief said Iran has lost 3,800 forces in the fight against drug smuggling so far.

According to reports, in 2018 alone, Iranian forces carried out 1,557 operations against drug traffickers, seizing approximately 807 tons of different types of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.


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