Regional, missile issues not negotiable

missile issues

The first presser of Iran’s President-elect Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi was held in the presence of Iranian and foreign correspondents on Monday.

“The people of Iran for created another “epic” by their turnout in the presidential election. It was a manifestation of the presence of the will of the people. This presence sent an important message to the world. The people participated in this election despite the coronavirus situation, many hostilities and the creation of psychological warfare by the enemies,” said President-elect Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi at the beginning of his speech.

“This presence had different messages. One message was that this presence showed national unity and solidarity. It was the message of the need to change the economic and living conditions. The message was to fight corruption, poverty and discrimination, and in general, to administer justice in all aspects of people’s lives,” he added.

“I am confident that by relying on God and trusting in the resources of the Iranian nation and manpower, especially the youth of this nation, and with the valuable resources that our country has, God willing, the situation will change in favor of the people,” Raeisi said.

“Our domestic policy and priorities in this administration will be to improve the business situation and the living conditions of the people,” President-elect noted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to foreign policy, saying, “The world should know that the situation has changed with this epic presence of the dear people of Iran. To date, the maximum pressure on our people has not worked, they must reconsider and return [their commitments]. Our nation has shown resistance to the pressures, and the world should know that our government’s foreign policy does not start with the JCPOA because it will not be limited to the JCPOA.”

“We will pursue interaction with all countries of the world as a principle of broad and balanced interaction in foreign policy and in any negotiation in which national interests are guaranteed, this negotiation will certainly be supported, but we will not tie the economic situation and the conditions of the people to the negotiations,” he underlined.

“We will not allow negotiations to take place in face of other negotiations, we will not allow negotiations to be eroding. Every meeting should have benefits for the great nation of Iran. Then we will continue negotiations in order to remove restrictions and sanctions,” Raeisi said.

The president-elect went on to answer questions from Iranian and foreign correspondents in various fields.

In response to a question by Euro News correspondent about the importance of  the JCPOA to his administration and his message to the United States and Europe, Raeisi reiterated, “European countries and the United States must consider what they have done to the JCPOA; The United States violated the deal and the Europeans did not fulfill their obligations.”

“The US should return to the JCPOA and fulfill all its commitments to the nuclear deal. The Europeans must not be influenced by American pressure and act on what they have promised; This is the demand of the Iranian nation from them,” he added.

In response to a question from an MBC correspondent who asked if all US sanctions, including those imposed during the Trump era, should be lifted in order for the JCPOA to be effective and whether the negotiation team would continue their talks, Raeisi said, “The nuclear negotiating team will continue its work. Our foreign policy team is also reviewing their work. The United States has an obligation to lift all oppressive sanctions against the Iranian people. Lifting sanctions and verifying will be the focus of our foreign policy.”

The president-elect went on to answer a question from an Al-Jazeera correspondent who asked about some analyzes and allegations made by some human rights organizations about his role in the executions, saying, “I have been an advocate for the rights of the people from the beginning, and human rights have been the most central issue I have pursued. Those who accuse should be told that we are in the position of plaintiff today. All the actions we have taken have been to respect human rights with those who carried out ISIS and anti-security movements. Those who claim should blame the creators of ISIL. Certainly, if these are reprimanded, the world will be at peace.”

Answering a question from a CNN correspondent on Biden’s proposal to sign the JCPOA agreement with Iran on missile program and regional issues, he said, “Why is Mr. Biden not committed to the commitments of previous administrations? My strong suggestion to the US government is to act promptly to lift all sanctions and show that they are honest by lifting all sanctions.”

“We urge the US Government to live up to its commitment to this agreement. Regional and missile issues are not negotiable. An issue has been negotiated and agreed upon and a contract has been concluded and they have committed to it but have not acted on it. Now, how do they want to negotiate new topics?” he stressed.

In response to a question from a Press TV correspondent who asked about his plan to revive the JCPOA and force the United States to lift sanctions, the president-elect stated, “What has been the policy of the Islamic Republic and it has been stated many times is that our nuclear actions are peaceful actions and in line with the rules that this science and knowledge have in various fields of industry, agriculture and medicine. The actions of the Islamic Republic so far have been taken in accordance with the declarations of international organizations within the framework of laws and regulations.”

“Despite the fact that the actions of the Islamic Republic, according to their own statement, were carried out within the framework of the regulations, why do they place obstacles and problems in the way of Iran’s nuclear actions, while they have repeatedly admitted that Iran’s nuclear actions have not had any problems so far,” he noted.

The President-elect said on the issue of relations with Saudi Arabia, “Relations with all countries of the world, especially relations with neighboring countries are important to us; Our priority will be relations with our neighbors, and there is no obstacle on the part of the Islamic Republic regarding the reopening of embassies between the two countries in relation to Saudi Arabia.”

“We have been pursuing relations with China since the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and various governments, and today we have good relations with China and there is a lot of potential between the two countries,” said Raeisi in response to the Chinese correspondent.

“We will definitely work to revive these capacities and have very good relations with China, and the comprehensive plan will be one of the documents, and the implementation of this plan will definitely be on the agenda,” he added.

In a statement on Saturday afternoon, interior minister Rahmani Fazli announced the final result of the presidential election. The results showed that Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi won Friday’s votes by a landslide, gaining 61.95% of the total votes.


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