UN Envoy: Regime Change in Syria Out of Question

Regime Change

The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria Geir O. Pedersen said the situation in the Arab country has become stable, as none of the parties there seeks a regime change any more.

In a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in Tehran on Sunday, Pedersen described the situation in Syria as stable.

In the current circumstances, none of the Syrian parties talks about a regime change in that country, the Norwegian diplomat added.

The UN envoy also emphasized the necessity for protecting Syria’s national sovereignty, political stability and territorial integrity.

For his part, Amirabdollahian praised the UN special envoy for his contribution to national dialogue and the establishment of peace and stability in Syria.

Voicing Iran’s sincere support for the UN’s peace efforts in Syria, the foreign minister reiterated that the crisis there requires a political solution, part of which must be pursued by the United Nations.

He also denounced the illegal presence of American forces in Syria and the Israeli regime’s military strikes against the Arab country as factors disrupting the process of the political solution in Syria.

Without taking account of the displaced persons and the sanctions imposed on Syria, it will be impossible to address the crisis correctly, the top Iranian diplomat warned.

The Iranian officials have announced repeatedly that the Syrian crisis must be settled peacefully and in accordance with principles of international law, particularly the full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.

Tehran says it continues to support the people and government of Syria to restore the unity and territorial integrity of their country.


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