Poland plans €350m border wall to stop migrant crossings from Belarus

migrant crossings

Poland is planning to build a border wall costing more than €350 million to prevent migrants illegally entering from Belarus.

A draft bill to construct the new border wall was passed by the country’s conservative government on Tuesday. It will now be debated by MPs and voted on in the Polish parliament.

The cost of building the wall is estimated at over 1.6 billion zlotys (€353 million).

According to the proposed bill, Poland will also install movement detectors at the Belarusian border, preventing anyone from coming within 200 meters of the wall.

“The number of attempts to cross the border is on the rise,” the Polish government said on Wednesday.

Since August, thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa have tried to cross the Polish border from Belarus.

The European Union has accused Minsk of deliberately orchestrating the influx of migrants in retaliation against EU sanctions.

Poland has already sent thousands of soldiers to the border while declaring a state of emergency in the region.

Last week, Warsaw asked the European Union to fund border “fences” to prevent migrants from entering the bloc.

But Poland has also been accused by humanitarian organizations of illegally pushing back asylum-seekers into Belarus.


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