Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi said that cooperating in international forums is ‘essential’ to neutralize US sanctions.
In a telephone conversion with his Nicaraguan counterpart Daniel Ortega on Tue., Iranian President Raeisi emphasized the need for cooperating in international forums to foil sanctions imposed by the United States.
Stating that coincidence of the Islamic Revolution of Iran with the Nicaraguan Revolution is the basis for strengthening ties between the two nations, he said that approach of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to improve relations with Latin American countries and also countries in the Caribbean region including Nicaragua.
The common view of the two nations of Iran and Nicaragua in the face of US excessive demands is a valuable asset for the interaction and convergence in the international arena in order to defend the national sovereignty of independent countries and nations, the Iranian president highlighted.
Close cooperation between the two countries of Iran and Nicaragua in international forums is necessary to neutralize US sanctions imposed against independent countries and nations, especially Iran and Nicaragua, Raeisi added.
President of Nicaragua, for his part, said that his country will continue to strengthen and develop relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran with utmost power.
Today, United States has overtly targeted Latin American countries, he said, adding that the US government has also targeted the unity and amity established between the two countries of Iran and Nicaragua so that it is very important to maintain unity and strengthen solidarity between the two nations.
Given that awareness among nations has increased in today’s world, the two countries of Iran and Nicaragua must strengthen the path of struggle for the establishment of peace and justice in the international arena, the Nicaraguan president added.