Iran relation with IAEA to be based solely on safeguards

relation with IAEA

“In the last four decades and after the Islamic Revolution, the enemies of Iran have launched a large-scale offensive to assassinate the three fundamental values of justice, security and freedom of our nation,” said Ali Rabiei in his weekly press conference on Tuesday.

“The assassination of Martyr Mohammad Beheshti [Iranian jurist, philosopher, cleric and politician who was assassinated on 28 June 1981] was a symbol of the assassination of justice. The chemical bombing of Sardasht [On June 28, 1987, when the Iraqi imposed war against Iran was its peak, the Saddam regime’s launched chemical weapons on Sardasht, northwest Iran] was a symbol of security assassination, which, of course, was not limited to it, and continued with the support of terrorist groups inside and outside Iran against the security of this border and region. Full-blown economic sanctions are a symbol of the assassination of freedom,” he added.

Referring to the anniversary of the chemical bombing of Sardasht by Saddam Hussein, he said, “The anniversary of the tragic incident of the chemical bombing of Sardasht, which has been named the day of the Combating Chemical and Biological Weapons, is an opportunity to emphasize Iran’s victimization in the use of weapons of mass destruction and to clarify the fact why the Islamic Republic of Iran resolutely opposed to the builds, stores and uses of this type of weapons.”

“Today, those Western nations that allowed the perpetrators of the assassination of Martyr Beheshti to take refuge in their countries and supported Saddam Hussein and equipped him with chemical weapons, and in recent years, imposed inhumane sanctions against Iranians, must apologize to the Iranian people and be held accountable for these crimes,” the Iranian official noted. “However, today we see that not only are they not remorseful, but they still insist on continuing economic sanctions and unjustly harassing our people.”

“This dark background is reason enough to understand the roots of Iran’s distrust of the West, especially the United States,” Rabiei stressed.

Any sanctions that violate the full implementation of JCPOA should be lifted

Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the Vienna talks on reviving the JCPOA, saying, “Our views are very clear to all parties, and we are aware of their positions on disputes. We have made it clear to all parties that any sanctions that violate or impede the full implementation of the JCPOA should be lifted. We also know what steps we should take if the United States takes this step and all parties reaffirm their commitment to the JCPOA.”

“As for how the Vienna talks will continue, we will have to wait for the outcome of the meetings to become clearer,” the spokesperson added, saying, “The important thing is that the talks have reached a point where all parties have to make their own decisions. We are waiting for the other parties, including the United States, to announce their political decisions so that we can talk more clearly about the next round of talks.”

Preservation of territorial integrity of Afghanistan important for Iran

During his press conference, Rabiei also pointed to the recent developments in Afghanistan, saying, “We assure the government and people of Afghanistan that the Islamic Republic of Iran will stand by them. In good faith, we call on all ethnic groups, parties and political forces in Afghanistan to remain united and to be committed to peaceful solutions for removing their differences by rejecting any foreign interference.”

“The preservation of the territorial integrity of Afghanistan, national unity and respect for the rights of minorities and the achievements that the Afghan people have made over the past two decades are important for Iran,” he noted, emphasizing that genuine intra-Afghan dialogue is the only lasting solution to the Afghan problem.

“The Taliban are part of Afghanistan and part of Afghanistan’s future solution; What is important for us is the formation of an inclusive government with the presence of all Afghan groups and the achievement of a peaceful and lasting solution in this country,” the Iranian official highlighted. “To achieve these goals, as well as the importance of cultural, historical and geographical ties between Afghanistan and Iran, we will continue our mission to communicate with the government of this country and provide any necessary assistance.”

No decision made on the subject of an agreement with Agency 

Answering a question about Iran-IAEA relations if this agreement is not renewed, Rabiei said, “Previously, the agreement between Iran and the IAEA was renewed due to the positive atmosphere and promising prospects for reaching an agreement.”

“We are considering the need and possibility of extending the agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and we will consider all options in this regard. Iran’s relation with the IAEA will be based solely on safeguards if this agreement is not renewed, and the Islamic Republic of Iran will not make any further commitments,” he added.

“The law of the parliament regarding the obligations and duties of the government is quite clear and so far it has moved in the same direction. No decision has yet been made on the subject of the quarterly agreement with the Agency and how it will continue or not, and information will be provided as soon as a decision is made,” the spokesman said.


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