Saudis, Americans reportedly fail in Muscat talks on Yemen

fail in Muscat talks

Media have reported that representatives of the United States, Saudi Arabia and the United Nations did not have any new proposals during their recent visit to Muscat, the capital of Oman, and they only had the old previous plans.

The reports said that the Sana’a government led by the Houthi Ansarullah movement considered the Saudi and American proposals during the talks as an attempt to escape from their favored Hadi government’s defeat on the battlefield in Marib province and, secondly, as the US attempt to get rid of domestic pressures inside the US itself to stop the war.

The Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar has reported on the latest diplomatic developments in the Yemeni case and has written that the United States, Britain, and Saudi Arabia were making political and diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the current war in Yemen because they saw the war no longer in their interest.

The Lebanese newspaper added that all the previous plans and proposals proposed in the talks by the US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderkingthe and the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths during Monday’s talks in Muscat sought to put aside the military tools, in which Sanaa has the upper hand and instead of the emphasis on using the economic and political mechanisms, in which the Saudi-lead aggressors in Yemen have the upper hand.

Al-Akhbar’s report added the proposals in the talks sought to preserve the Saudi’s influence in Yemen and were an attempt to impose what the Saudis and the Americans could not achieve through military use and are now trying to achieve them through political and negotiations means.


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