New in the polls Tuesday: Race narrows in North Carolina, Florida; voters nationally favor Biden over Trump

favor Biden over Trump

With two weeks left until the Nov. 3 election, polls remain an unpredictable metric for who will be selected by the American people to run the country.

Generally, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is pulling ahead of President Donald Trump — including in key states Trump won in the previous election. One national poll even has him up by nine percent.

Still, in many battleground states where candidates continue to hold rallies and meet with key voters, such as Jill Biden visiting Michigan Tuesday and Vice President Mike Pence visiting Ohio Wednesday, it proves to be an overwhelmingly tight race.

Here’s what Tuesday’s polls show.

Biden up by one in Florida

A University of North Florida poll narrowly puts Biden up one percentage point over Trump, well within the margin of error.

Trump rose five percent from earlier this month in the same poll. A key base of his — senior voters — is showing up in smaller numbers than in 2016 exit polls. Biden, meanwhile, is struggling Hispanic voters, a key Democratic voting bloc in the previous election.

Biden up by one in North Carolina: WaPo and ABC News

A poll conducted by Washington Post/ABC News also effectively puts Trump and Biden in range of one another, with Biden only up by one percent.

A small majority of registered voters (51%) in the state disapprove of Trump’s presidency, but that number remains slightly lower than national ratings.

Biden up in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin; Trump up in Texas: CNN

CNN polling for 10 swing states has Biden up by a statistically significant amount in Pennsylvania (52 to 43 percent), Michigan and Wisconsin (both 51 to 43 percent) — all states Trump won in the 2016 election.

In Iowa, Georgia, Ohio and North Carolina, it’s a much closer race — with Biden either tied or up by a couple percentage points in polling. Texas remains Trump territory, leading Biden by four percentage points (49 to 45 percent).

Biden up 9% nationally: New York Times

A poll by the New York Times and Siena College finds Biden ahead of Trump, overall, with a margin of 9 points (50 to 41 percent).

With a surge of support from women, people of color, white people with college degrees — as well as white women and older voters, which leaned toward Trump in 2016 — these polls paint Biden in a comfortable position. Trump, however, still maintains a stronghold over white people without college degrees and men.

The poll also found a majority of Americans supported mask wearing (59%), a comprehensive stimulus package (72%), a $2 trillion renewable energy plan (66%) and even a public option for health insurance (66%). However, Americans remain doubtful of vaccines — as a third would likely or definitely not take a vaccine even with FDA approval — and court packing (58%).


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