US not authorized to use ‘snapback’ mechanism: UN envoy


“The legal reasonings by the majority of UN Security Council member-states and the sum-up by its president is rigid and clear on the basis of which the US is not authorized to use snapback mechanism of the past sanctions,” said Takht Ravanchi at the UN General Assembly’s meeting in New York on Monday.

“The US military adventurism heightened placing the region on the verge of all-out war when the US’s military forces, in a terrorist act at the direct order of the US President, violated Iraq’s sovereignty and horrifically martyred regional anti-terror heroes, including Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, which was called by many international lawyers and scholars as a clear violation of the UN Charter and international law,” he said, adding, “Again, the Security Council was utterly silent.”

He said, “In pursuance of this destructive policy, the US now has placed the UN under maximum pressure to ultimately kill the JCPOA. Earlier this month, in violation of Resolution 2231, it first proposed a draft resolution to impose an arms embargo against Iran, which was rejected by 13 members of the Council.”

“Later, through a letter to the Council, the US attempted to purportedly initiate a process to reimpose the Security Council sanctions on Iran. The reaction of Council members was decisive. Through their letters, again 13 members, including the remaining JCPOA participants, as well as Iran and the EU High Representative and the Coordinator of the JCPOA Joint Commission, strongly refuted the legal merit of the US letter,” he added.



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