Iran urges world to force Israeli regime to join NPT


He made the remarks in a virtual meeting held on the anniversary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) on Thursday.

The diplomat pointed to the destructive role of the Israeli regime in the region, highlighting that the regime must allow IAEA access to its nuclear facilities.

Slamming Washington’s negative role in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, he noted that with 1054 nuclear tests, the US has had the highest number of the tests in comparison to other countries.

The US has the world’s largest nuclear arsenal and is the only country that has used nukes, said the envoy, adding that Washington does not intend to end its nuclear tests, rather, it aims to modernize its nuclear arsenal.

The destructive role of the United States and the Israeli regime has prevented the realization of the Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone, he said.

The Iranian envoy to the UN stressed that nuclear disarmament must remain at the top of the international community’s agenda and that the nuclear tests must be stopped since they are against the soul of NPT and commitment to nuclear disarmament.



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