Iran to continue maximum resistance for as long as required


“Trump had four years to start successful diplomacy with Iran by choosing the right, agreed and legal path. Not only did he not start diplomacy with Iran, but he has also made the worst mistakes the United States has made in decades,” Rabiei said when asked about US President Donald Trump’s claim that he would reach an agreement with Iran immediately if re-elected in the November US presidential election.

“Even if Trump is re-elected, he will not succeed in reaching an agreement as long as he continues to pursue ‘maximum pressure’ policy on Iran,” he added.

“If the hostile policy against the Iranian nation continues, we are ready to continue the maximum resistance for as long as necessary,” Rabiei said.

He went on to say, “If Trump is serious about making up for past mistakes, we would welcome it,” adding, “But his recent claim does not seem to have a purpose other than winning US presidential votes.”

Elsewhere, when asked about the claim of a US intelligence officer about the involvement of Iran, Russia and China in the US presidential election, he said, “The baseless allegation of Iranian interference in the US elections is for electoral use of Iranophobia.”

“As we have said many times, the Islamic Republic of Iran has no interest in interfering in policies of parties in the United States and sees no advantage in the superiority of one US party over the other,” he added.


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