IRGC Developing Weaponry Proportional to Threats: General Salami


In remarks on the sidelines of a large-scale war game in southern Iran, Major General Salami said the military drills launched by the IRGC are designed to mirror the real war conditions and match the scenario of confrontation with real enemies.

“Development of our equipment and arms are proportional to the threats and a real understanding of the enemy’s weak and strong points,” the commander said.

He also emphasized that the IRGC’s defense doctrine is based upon production of homegrown military gear, saying updated and more advanced weapons are employed in every new war game.

The IRGC’s strategy is based on defending Iran’s interests, he stated. “We will never start an attack on any country, but our tactics and operations are totally offensive.”

Major General Salami said the IRGC Navy and Aerospace Force units have exercised fully offensive operations in Tuesday’s drill, including tactics to strike intruding hostile vessels with a combination of missile firings, naval combats, and offensive mine-laying operations.

Payambar-e Azam 14 (The Great Prophet) war game has been held in Iran’s southern province of Hormozgan, western parts of the Strait of Hormuz, and the Persian Gulf.

The final stage of the war game included joint operations by missile units, vessels and drones from the IRGC Navy and missile, drone and radar units from the IRGC Aerospace Force.

Satellite images taken by Iran’s homegrown ‘Noor’ (light) satellite that was launched into space in April have been used to evaluate the situation in the war game zone.


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