Foreign ministry: Iranians main victims of US-backed terrorists

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has reacted to the latest annual terrorism report released by the US Department of State, saying that despite US claims, Iranians have been the main victims of acts of terrorism carried out by terrorists directly supported by Washington.

victims of terrorist
victims of terrorist

The so-called report identified Iran as “the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism,” claiming the country has been providing support for “various terrorist groups” throughout the Middle East.

It came amid Washington’s continued and unreserved backing for anti-Iran terrorist outfits, including the terrorist cult of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) that is responsible for slaying around 12,000 Iranians since the 1979 victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution.

In 2019, the year covered in the so-called report, the US also blacklisted Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) despite the elite military force’s indispensable advisory support for the regional countries’ fight against Takfiri terrorists. And in early 2020, Washington assassinated Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force, who has won reputation as the Middle East’s most decisive and respected anti-terror personality.

'US point man on Iran met with MKO rep. before, after Gen. Soleimani’s assassination'

‘US point man on Iran met with MKO rep. before, after Gen. Soleimani’s assassination’

Trump’s point man on Iran met with the notorious MKO terrorist group

The US report named the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance movements of Hezbollah and Hamas — that have been defending their respective peoples against deadly Israeli acts of aggression — as two of the groups that it said were being backed by Iran.

US-Israel alliance promotes insecurity instead of peace: Iran Foreign Ministry

US-Israel alliance promotes insecurity instead of peace: Iran Foreign Ministry

Iran says the American-Israeli alliance is only boosting insecurity across the world instead of peace.

The spokesman reminded how history itself bears witness to the US’ creation of or support for terrorism.

Some American officials have, themselves, admitted this fact, including US President Donald Trump, who acknowledged on his electoral campaign that previous American administrations had created the Daesh Takfiri terror outfit and other such groups, Mousavi added.

“As the biggest victim of acts of terrorism that have majorly been conducted through US administrations’ direct or indirect support, and with the 17,000 martyrs that it has lost to these [atrocities], the Islamic Republic invariably stands on the frontline of the fight against terrorism on the regional and international scale,” he noted.

The spokesperson finally pointed to Washington’s economic and medical terrorism targeting the Iranian nation that has seen it imposing unilateral and illegal sanctions its the people.


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