US sanctions Iran shipping network over oil sales – Gulf tensions

Gulf tensions
Gulf tensions

Tuesday, September 5

US slaps sanctions on Iran shipping network

The United States imposed sanctions on a shipping network it said was run by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, saying it sold millions of barrels of oil to benefit Syrian regime leader Bashar al-Assad.

The sanctions on 16 entities, 10 people and 11 vessels were announced just as Iran was threatening to cut further its commitments under a nuclear deal unless the United States eases its pressure.

Monday, September 4

Iran set to make new cut in nuclear commitments

President Hassan Rouhani reiterated a threat that Tehran would take additional steps away from the 2015 nuclear accord on Friday and accelerate nuclear activities if Europe fails to provide a solution, calling it Iran’s third, “most important step” away from the deal.

Iran and three European countries –– Britain, France and Germany –– have been engaged in talks to save a 2015 nuclear deal that has been unravelling since the US withdrew from it in May last year.

“I don’t think that… we will reach a deal so we’ll take the third step and we will announce the details today or tomorrow,” Rouhani told a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

“If we had 20 issues of disagreement with the Europeans in the past, today there are three issues,” he said.

“Most of them have been resolved but we haven’t reached a final agreement.”

European credit line to Iran

The idea of a phased credit line to pre-purchase Iranian oil has been floated amid the diplomatic efforts, something Araghchi reiterated.

Europe, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said, needs to compensate Iran in the “amount of $15 billion over a 4-month span” and “after that, Iran is ready for talks.”

Araghchi was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying “it is unlikely European countries can take an effective step” before the deadline.

Iran frees British sailors 

Iran will free seven crew members of the detained British tanker Stena Impero, Iranian state television reported on Wednesday.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi told the TV that the seven were freed on humanitarian grounds and could leave Iran soon.

The Stena Impero was detained by Tehran on July 19, two weeks after Britain detained an Iranian tanker off the territory of Gibraltar. The Iranian ship was released in August.

Monday, September 2

Iran’s Zarif warns EU

Iran said it would further scale back its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal if EU signatories failed to shield Tehran’s economy from US sanctions reimposed by President Donald Trump after exiting the deal last year.

“It is meaningless to continue unilateral commitments to the deal if we don’t enjoy its benefits as promised by the deal’s European parties,” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart in Moscow.

“We have agreed to make further efforts and take more measures to protect economic projects with Iran and to gain independence from payments in dollars,” Sergey Lavrov said.

Saturday, August 31

US sanctions Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya 1 

US sanctioned an Iranian oil tanker previously held for weeks by Gibraltar and released despite Washington’s efforts to keep it detained.

The US Department of Treasury said the vessel, previously known as Grace 1, is “blocked property” under an anti-terrorist order, and “anyone providing support to the Adrian Darya 1 risks being sanctioned.”

Two weeks ago, US threatened a visa ban on the crew of the tanker.

Washington says the vessel is carrying crude ultimately benefiting Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which it has blacklisted as a terrorist organisation.

Friday, August 30

IAEA says Iran violating nuclear deal

The UN atomic watchdog says Iran is still in violation of limitations set by the 2015 nuclear deal with major powers.

In a confidential quarterly report distributed to member states, the International Atomic Energy Agency said on Friday that Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched uranium still exceeds the amount allowed by the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

It said Iran continues to enrich uranium to 4.5 percent, above the 3.67 percent allowed.

The violations were announced by Iran, and confirmed by the IAEA last month, and are meant to put pressure on the signatories to the JCPOA to provide new economic incentives to help offset new tough American sanctions.

The IAEA says Iran has continued to permit its inspectors to monitor its nuclear facilities.

Iranian tanker destination remains obscure

An Iranian oil tanker pursued by the US on Friday again listed its destination as Turkey but the Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said it is certain the tanker is not coming to a Turkish port.

The flurry of contradictory statements further muddies the waters for the Adrian Darya 1, formerly known as the Grace 1, and obscures where its 2.1 million barrels of oil will ultimately go.

Iran tanker headed to Lebanon: Turkey

Iranian tanker Adrian Darya 1, released after being detained for six weeks by the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, is now headed for Lebanon, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Friday.

Lebanon said it had not been informed of the tanker’s direction.

“This tanker is not heading actually to Iskenderun [in Turkey], this tanker is heading to Lebanon,” Cavusoglu said during a visit to Oslo, referring to the vessel.

The minister did not specify whether Lebanon was the tanker’s final destination.

“We still buy gas from Iran, but we don’t buy oil,” Cavusoglu stressed, adding that Turkey was monitoring the vessel’s progress “very closely.”

Lebanon has not been informed whether an Iranian oil tanker, at the centre of a US-Iran confrontation, was heading to one of its ports, the finance minister said.

“We have not been informed of the Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya heading [here],” Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said.

Thursday, August 29

EU backs US-Iran talks but says nuclear deal must stay

“We are always in favour of talks, the more people talk, the more people understand each other better, on the basis of clarity and on the basis of respect,” EU diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini said as she arrived for the Helsinki meeting.

But she added that “first and foremost what is existing needs to be preserved” – referring to UN Security Council resolutions and specifically the 2015 deal known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA.

The idea of direct talks between Washington and Tehran as a way out of the crisis grew this week after Trump mooted the idea and the new US defence secretary urged Iran’s leaders to engage.

Iran says no talks with US unless it lifts sanctions

Zarif says Iran’s supreme leader will not meet Trump unless Washington halts its “economic terrorism” that has hurt ordinary Iranians.

Zarif says the removal of US sanctions could also help salvage the Iranian nuclear deal, which the US unilaterally withdrew from last year.

He says Tehran has the right to reduce its compliance under the nuclear pact after the US left but it can easily “revert back to full implementation” if the US fulfils its commitment and returns to the table.

He told a forum in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday that “you do not negotiate with terrorists.

If they want to negotiate, they have to abandon terrorism,” in reference to the rollback of sanctions.

Tuesday, August 27

Japan minister says he hopes to ease Mideast tension

Japan will try to help ease tension in the Middle East, Foreign Minister Taro Kono said on Tuesday at a meeting with Zarif.

Zarif said he looked forward to discussions with Kono as both countries had special interests in the security of the energy market and stability in the Gulf.

“We are worried about tension in the Middle East and we hope to make some diplomatic effort to ease the tension,” Kono told reporters as he stood with Zarif.

“We wanted to have a direct and frank conversation with you today,” he said to Zarif.

Japan has historically had friendly ties with Iran and is also a close US ally.

Iran dampens down prospect of Trump-Rouhani meeting

Rouhani told the US to “take the first step” by lifting all sanctions against Iran, dampening down the likelihood of meeting US counterpart Trump.

Zarif said the prospects for such a meeting were “unimaginable” even if the US rejoins a landmark nuclear deal with Iran.

Trump had said less than 24 hours earlier he was ready to meet with Rouhani within weeks, in a potential breakthrough reached during a G7 summit in the French seaside resort of Biarritz.

Monday, August 26

Iran says it has sold oil from tanker released by Gibraltar

An Iranian government spokesman says the oil aboard an Iranian tanker pursued by the US has been sold to an unnamed buyer.

The Adrian Darya, previously known as the Grace 1, carries 2.1 million barrels of crude, worth some $130 million.

Ali Rabiei made the announcement at a news conference on Monday in Tehran. He says the buyer of the oil will decide the ship’s ultimate destination.

The tanker was held for weeks off Gibraltar after being seized by authorities there on suspicion of violating EU sanctions on Syria.

The US has a warrant in federal court to seize the ship and has been warning nations not to accept it.

The ship is still in the Mediterranean Sea heading east.

Iranian tanker no longer has Turkey destination – shipping data

Adrian Darya 1, the Iranian tanker at the centre of a confrontation between Washington and Tehran, is no longer recorded as heading for Turkey, Refinitiv Eikon shipping data showed on Monday, having switched to a Turkish destination at the weekend.

The vessel, fully laden with oil, had previously been heading to the port of Kalamata in southern Greece but Greece had said it would not offer any facilities to the tanker.

Shipping data on Saturday had then indicated the vessel was to dock at the southern Turkish port of Mersin on August 31.

On Monday, Refinitiv Eikon data did not specify any destination for the Adrian Darya.

Saturday, August 24

Iranian oil tanker pursued by US says it’s going to Turkey

The Iranian-flagged oil tanker pursued by the US amid heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington changed its listed destination to a port in Turkey after Greece said it wouldn’t risk its relations with America by aiding it.

The crew of the Adrian Darya 1 updated its listed destination in its Automatic Identification System to Mersin, a port city in Turkey’s south and home to an oil terminal.

Mersin is some 200 kilometres (125 miles) northwest of a refinery in Baniyas, Syria, where authorities alleged the Adrian Darya had been heading before being seized off Gibraltar in early July.

Friday, August 23

Nuclear talks with Macron were ‘productive’ – Zarif

Iran’s foreign minister said talks he held on Friday with French President Emmanuel Macron about a landmark 2015 nuclear deal were “productive”, according to the ILNA news agency.

“France had presented some suggestions and we presented some suggestions about how to carry out [the nuclear deal] and the steps that both sides need to take,” Zarif, said.

“The talks were good and productive, of course it depends on how the European Union can carry out the commitments within [the nuclear deal] and also the commitments that they made after [the nuclear deal] and America’s exit.”

It is not possible to renegotiate the nuclear deal, Zarif said, according to ILNA.

Thursday, August 22

Will aggressively enforce sanctions over tanker – US  

The US will aggressively enforce its sanctions to prevent the private sector from assisting an Iranian oil tanker that is travelling through the Mediterranean and that Washington wants to be seized, a State Department official said on Thursday.

“The shipping sector is on notice that we will aggressively enforce US sanctions,” the official said, days after warning countries not to allow the tanker to dock.

Ship tracking data has shown the ship, Adrian Darya 1 last heading toward Greece, although Greece’s prime minister said it was not heading to his country.

“All parties in the shipping sector should conduct appropriate due diligence to ensure that they are not doing business with nor facilitating business for, directly or indirectly, sanctioned parties or with sanctioned cargo,” the official warned.

Prepared to work on French nuclear deal proposals – Zarif

Iran is prepared to work on French proposals to salvage the international nuclear deal that Tehran signed with world powers in 2015, Zarif said.

“There are proposals on the table, both from the French and the Iranian side, and we are going to work on those proposals tomorrow,” he said at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.

French President Emmanuel Macron offered on Wednesday to either soften sanctions on Iran or provide “a compensation mechanism to enable the Iranian people to live better” in return for full compliance with the pact, which the US quit last year.

Zarif added: “I’m looking forward to having a serious conversation with President Macron about possibilities to move forward.”

He had said on Monday he would meet Macron and Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in Paris on Friday.

Zarif also addressed the US’ efforts to create a security operation, which so far Britain, Australia and Bahrain have joined, to guard shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, a vital gateway for the global oil industry.

“It’s clear that the US’ intention..(of having a) naval presence in the Persian Gulf is to counter Iran. Don’t expect us to remain quiet when somebody comes to our waters and threatens us,” Zarif said.

‘Talks are useless’ in dealing with US – Iran’s president 

Iran’s president struck a muscular tone on dealings with the US, saying “talks are useless” as Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers crumbles further.

Rouhani made the comment in a speech in Tehran during the unveiling of the Bavar-373, a long-range surface-to-air missile system that he described as an improvement to the Russian S-300.

“Now that our enemies do not accept logic, we cannot respond with logic,” Rouhani said in the televised speech.

He added: “When the enemy launches a missile against us, we cannot give a speech and say: ‘Mr Rocket, please do not hit our country and our innocent people. Rocket-launching sir, if you can please hit a button and self-destroy the missile in the air.'”

On Wednesday, Iran’s state TV reported that the Bavar-373 is able to recognise up to 100 targets at the same time and confront them with six different weapons.

Since 1992, Iran has developed a homegrown defence industry that has produced light and heavy weapons ranging from mortars and torpedoes to tanks and submarines.

The US re-imposed sanctions on Iran after the Trump administration pulled out of the nuclear deal over concerns about Iran’s missile program and regional influence.

Trump argued that the accord did not limit Iran’s ballistic missile programme.

Iran displays domestically built mobile missile defence system

Iran displayed what it described as a domestically-built long-range, surface-to-air missile air defence system.

Iran shot down a US military surveillance drone in the Gulf with a surface-to-air missile in June. It says the drone was over its territory, but the US says it was in international airspace.

State television showed an unveiling ceremony for the mobile Bavar-373 system, which Iranian media have described as a competitor to the Russian S-300 missile system.

“With this long-range air defence system, we can detect … targets or planes at more than 300 km (190 miles), lock it at about 250 km, and destroy it at 200 km,” Defence Minister Amir Hatami told state television.

The system’s unveiling came on Iran’s National Defence Industry Day.

Wednesday, August 21

Greece closes ports to Iranian oil tanker

Greece said on Wednesday it won’t endanger its relations with the US by aiding an Iranian supertanker sought by the US but released by Gibraltar that’s currently in the Mediterranean Sea, believed heading for a Greek port.

Deputy Foreign Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis said Athens is under pressure from US authorities, which claim the Iran-flagged Adrian Darya 1 is tied to a sanctioned organisation.

He told private Antenna TV that the 330-metre tanker is too big anyway to enter any Greek port and can’t legally unload its $130 million worth of light crude at EU refineries.

The vessel can still enter Greek waters or anchor offshore, in which case Athens will “see” what it will do, Varvitsiotis added.

Tuesday, August 20

Pompeo warns action

The United States will take every action it can to prevent an Iranian tanker from delivering oil to Syria in contravention of US sanctions, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned.

“We have made clear that anyone who touches it, anyone who supports it, anyone who allows a ship to dock is at risk of receiving sanctions from the United States,” Pompeo told reporters.

“If that ship again heads to Syria we will take every action we can consistent with those sanctions to prevent that.”

The Adrian Darya – formerly the Grace 1 – left Gibraltar on August 18 and ship-tracking data showed the vessel was heading toward the Greek port of Kalamta.

‘No request’ from Iran tanker to dock in Greece – minister

Athens has received no request from the Iranian tanker Adrian Darya to dock in Greece, Merchant Marine Minister Ioannis Plakiotakis said Tuesday after a maritime tracker gave the ship’s “reported destination” as the Greek port of Kalamata.

“There is officially no request concerning the arrival of the Iranian tanker in a Greek port,” Plakiotakis told Greek media.

“We are following its progress and are working with the Greek foreign minister,” he said.

The website Marine Traffic placed the supertanker carrying 2.1 million barrels of oil some 100 kilometres northwest of the Algerian port of Oran.

Monday, August 19

Iran warns US against seizing tanker

Iran said it warned Washington through the Swiss embassy in Tehran, which represents prior US interests, against trying to seize the tanker again.

“Iran has given necessary warnings to American officials through its official channels… not to make such a mistake because it would have grave consequences,” foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said.

Speaking to reporters at a news conference, he dismissed the notion that there was a link between the seizure of the Iranian tanker off Gibraltar and the British-flagged tanker in the Gulf.

“There is no connection whatsoever between these two vessels,” said Mousavi.

“The court is looking into it. We hope the (investigation) is completed as soon as possible and the verdict is issued.”

Zarif rules out talks with US over a new nuclear deal

Zarif said Iran is not interested in talks with Washington, but any mediation should focus on bringing the United States back to the 2015 nuclear deal which it left last year.

Zarif was speaking in Finland after meeting Foreign Affairs Minister Pekka Haavisto, who said Europe was doing its best to salvage the deal.

Iranian tanker sought by US heading toward Greece

An Iranian supertanker hauling $130 million worth of light crude oil that the US suspected to be tied to a sanctioned organisation lifted its anchor and begun moving away from Gibraltar, marine traffic monitoring data showed.

The Iran-flagged Adrian Darya 1, previously named Grace 1, set course for Kalamata, Greece, with an estimated arrival on August 25, according to ship-tracking service MarineTraffic. It wasn’t immediately clear why the tanker would be heading there or whether the destination could change.

The vessel had been detained for a month in the British overseas territory for allegedly attempting to breach European Union sanctions on Syria.

Sunday, August 18

Adrian Darya-1 expected to leave Gibraltar Sunday night – Iran

Iran’s ambassador to Britain said the Iranian tanker caught in a stand-off between Tehran and the West is expected to leave the British territory of Gibraltar on Sunday night.

“With the arrival of two specialised engineering teams to Gibraltar … the vessel is expected to leave tonight,” Hamid Baeidinejad said on Twitter.

British Royal Marines seized the vessel in Gibraltar in July on suspicion that it was carrying oil to Syria, a close ally of Iran, in violation of European Union sanctions.

Gibraltar rejects US pressure to hold Iranian oil tanker

Authorities in Gibraltar say they are rejecting the United States’ renewed request that the British overseas territory not release an Iranian supertanker.

The vessel has been detained for over a month in Gibraltar for allegedly attempting to breach European Union sanctions on Syria.

In a statement Sunday, Gibraltar’s government said the ship would be free to go, as US sanctions on Iran had no equivalent in the United Kingdom or the rest of the EU.

The US had unsealed a warrant on Friday to seize the vessel, a day after Gibraltar lifted the ship’s detention.

The vessel remains at anchor off Gibraltar, laden with 2.1 million barrels of Iranian light crude oil.

A new crew is expected to arrive and sail the tanker to an undisclosed destination as early as Sunday.

Saturday, August 17

Iranian tanker to leave Gibraltar soon 

The United States faced an against-the-clock legal battle to re-seize an Iranian supertanker caught in a diplomatic standoff before the vessel’s shipping agent said Saturday he would go ahead with the ship’s planned departure from Gibraltar on Sunday or Monday.

The head of the company sorting paperwork and procuring for the Grace 1 oil tanker in the British overseas territory said the vessel could be sailing away in the next “24 to 48 hours,” once new crews dispatched to the territory take over command of the ship.

“The vessel is ongoing some logistical changes and requirements that have delayed the departure,” Astralship managing director Richard De la Rosa told The Associated Press.

He said the new crews were Indian and Ukrainian nationals hired by the Indian managers of the ship and that his company had not been informed about the supertanker’s next destination.

Iran tanker shifts position but still at anchor off Gibraltar

An Iranian tanker caught in the standoff between Tehran and the West shifted position on Saturday, but its anchor was still down off Gibraltar and it was unclear if it was ready to set sail soon.

Gibraltar authorities could not be reached for comment.

The Grace 1 was seized by British Royal Marines at the western mouth of the Mediterranean on July 4 on suspicion of violating European Union sanctions by taking oil to Syria, a close ally of Iran.

Gibraltar lifted the detention order on Thursday but the vessel’s fate was further complicated by the US, which made a last-ditch legal appeal to hold it.

Friday, August 16

US announces warrant to seize Iranian supertanker Grace 1

The US Justice Department unveiled a warrant on Friday for the seizure of the Iranian oil supertanker Grace 1, one day after a Gibraltar judge allowed the release of the detained vessel.

The warrant says the vessel, all the oil aboard and $995,000 are subject to forfeiture based on violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), and bank fraud, money laundering, and terrorism forfeiture statutes.

Gibraltar’s chief minister confirms Grace 1 release

An Iranian tanker whose detention exacerbated friction between Tehran and the West could sail free from British territory Gibraltar on Friday, though a US request to halt its passage could drag the saga back into court.

The Grace 1 was seized by British Royal Marine commandos in darkness at the western mouth of the Mediterranean on July 4 on suspicion of violating European Union sanctions by taking oil to Syria, a close ally of Iran.

Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said the decision to lift the detention order came after written assurances from Tehran that the ship would not discharge its oil in Syria.

Picardo said the US could still begin a new legal procedure for seizing the Grace 1, but that provisions under the European Union’s sanctions regulations were ending on Thursday.

Iran denied commitments in exchange for tanker release saying the vessel was not destined for Syria in the first place.

US to revoke visas held by crew of Iranian ship

US State Department said it will revoke US visas for crew members on the Iranian oil tanker.

The department stated that it intends to fully enforce all US sanctions related to Iranian oil exports despite the decision by Gibraltar to allow the ship to leave.

Thursday, August 15

Gibraltar frees Iranian vessel

Gibraltar’s Supreme Court ruled to release an Iranian supertanker seized last month on suspicion of shipping oil to Syria in breach of EU sanctions, despite a last-minute US request to detain the vessel.

Chief Justice Anthony Dudley said that since Iran had guaranteed in writing that the Grace 1 “was never destined to an EU sanctioned entity… there are no longer reasonable grounds to suspect that the detention of the Vessel is required.”

He added that the court had not received a written detention request from the United States.

US asks Gibraltar to keep Iranian tanker in detention

The US requested that Gibraltar hold in detention an Iranian supertanker at the centre of a stand-off between Tehran and London that sparked tensions in the oil-rich Gulf.

The British overseas territory’s Supreme Court was set to release the Grace 1, when the US Department of Justice applied for the vessel to be seized.

The move was announced by attorney Joseph Triay and delayed the court decision on the vessel’s fate.

Triay did not detail the basis for the US request other than as “mutual legal assistance”.

Gibraltar’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Anthony Dudley made clear that were it not for the US move, “the ship would have sailed”.

Wednesday, August 14

Gibraltar to reportedly release Iran tanker on Thursday

The British territory of Gibraltar will on Thursday release an Iranian oil tanker seized by Royal Marines in the Mediterranean in July, The Sun newspaper reported, citing sources close to Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo.

Picardo would not apply to renew an order to detain Grace 1, the report said, adding that he is now satisfied that the oil tanker is no longer heading to Syria.

Britain had said the vessel was violating European sanctions by taking oil to Syria, a charge Iran denies.

“There is no reason to keep Grace 1 in Gibraltar a moment longer if we no longer believe it is in breach of sanctions against the Syrian regime,” the newspaper quoted a source close to Picardo as saying. 

Tuesday, August 13

Iran, Gibraltar bicker over Grace 1

A Gibraltarian government source denied an Iranian news agency report which said the Iranian oil tanker Grace 1 would be leaving the British overseas territory on Tuesday.

British Royal Marines seized the tanker on July 4 off the coast of the British Mediterranean territory of Gibraltar on suspicion of violating EU sanctions by taking oil to Syria, which Tehran denies.

Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency quoted unidentified Gibraltar authorities as saying the tanker would bee freed on Tuesday evening.

A senior Gibraltarian government source said that report was not correct.

In touch with Britain over seized tanker – Iran 

Iran’s port authority said it has been in contact with British authorities as part of efforts to secure the release of its tanker.

A court in Gibraltar is to decide the fate of the ship on Thursday, when an order for its detention lapses.

The deputy head of Iran’s port authority, Jalil Eslami, said in a report by state news agency IRNA that Britain had shown an interest in overcoming the problem and documents had been exchanged.

Gibraltar seeks to ease tanker standoff with Iran

Gibraltar said it was seeking to de-escalate issues arising with Iran since the detention of the Grace 1 tanker.

“We continue to seek to de-escalate issues arising since the lawful detention of Grace 1,” a spokesman for Gibraltar said.

The current detention order on the vessel expires on Saturday night, the spokesman said.

Saturday, August 10

Iran unveils ‘overhauled’ air defence system

Iran unveiled a new air defence system it says is capable of detecting missiles and drones at a range of 400 kilometres (250 miles), ISNA news agency reported.

The “Falagh” is a locally overhauled version of the imported “Gamma” surveillance radar, the semi-official news agency said, in an apparent reference to a Russian-made system of that name.

It had been inoperable due to “sanctions, lack of spare parts and the inability of foreign engineers to carry out repairs”, it added.

Friday, August 9 

Iran warns against  Israeli involvement in maritime coalition

Any Israeli involvement in a maritime coalition in the Gulf is a “clear threat” to Iran’s national security and it has a right to confront the threat, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Friday, according to a statement on the ministry’s website.

Israeli media quoted Foreign Minister Israel Katz as telling a closed-door meeting on Tuesday that Israel was part of discussions and intelligence-sharing with a possible US maritime security coalition. Israeli officials declined to confirm or deny the reports.

Thursday, August 8

Iran says US mission will ‘increase insecurity’

Iran’s defence minister said the formation of a US-led flotilla in the Gulf would “increase insecurity” and any Israeli involvement would have “disastrous consequences” for the region.

“The military coalition that America is seeking to form with the excuse of securing maritime transport will only increase insecurity in the region,” Defence Minister Amir Hatami said in a conference call with counterparts from Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.

Reacting to reports of Israeli willingness to join the coalition, he said it would be “highly provocative and can have disastrous consequences for the region.”

Calling the US the main source of tensions in the region, Hatami called on Gulf countries to enter “constructive talks” to provide maritime security by themselves.

US asks for transit plans

Washington said that US-flagged commercial vessels should send their transit plans for the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf waters to US and British naval authorities ahead of time. This comes from the US Maritime Administration in an advisory on Iran threats.

“Heightened military activity and increased political tensions in this region continue to pose serious threats to commercial vessels,” said the advisory.

Vessels should also alert the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet and the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations in the event of any incident or suspicious activity, it added, saying that crews should not forcibly resist any Iranian boarding party.

Tuesday, August 6

Israel to join US mission

Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz has said that his country will join the US-led coalition, to protect trade routes in the Persian Gulf, Israeli media reported on Tuesday.

According to an Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, Katz claimed that he had recently met a “high ranking persona” from the United Arab Emirates, to improve ties between Israel and Arab states.

“Israel is part of the US-led coalition to protect trade routes in the Persian Gulf,” Katz said.

“It is an Israeli interest to stop Iranian entrenchment in the region and strengthen relationship with Gulf countries,” he added.

According to the newspaper, Katz said in a meeting of ministers that Israel has no conflict with Gulf nations.

So far only Britain has officially said it would join the mission to protect merchant ships after Iran seized a British-flagged vessel.

Rouhani says Iran favours talks but US must lift sanctions

Rouhani said on Tuesday that Tehran favours talks with Washington but the US must first lift sanctions it imposed on Iran.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran favours talks and negotiations and, if the US really wants to talk, before anything else it should lift all sanctions,” Rouhani said in remarks aired live on state television.

He added, “peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran is the mother of all wars”.

Rouhani, speaking at the foreign ministry after meeting with his top diplomat Zarif, said Iran was ready for talks regardless of whether or not the US was party to a landmark nuclear deal.

Monday, August 5

Germany not to join US mission

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Monday reiterated that Germany would not join a US-led naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz, adding that Berlin favoured a European mission but warned it was rather difficult to make progress on that.

“At the moment the Britons would rather join an American mission. We won’t do that,” Maas told reporters.

“We want a European mission,” he said, adding that the issue was not off the agenda but it would take time to convince the European Union to carry out such a mission.

The US Embassy in Berlin said on Tuesday the United States had asked Germany to join France and Britain in a mission to protect shipping through the strait and “combat Iranian aggression”.

Sunday, August 4

Iran seizes ‘foreign tanker’ smuggling fuel: state media

Iranian media say the Revolutionary Guard has seized an oil tanker carrying 700,000 liters of “smuggled fuel” in the Persian Gulf.

The semi-official Fars news agency says seven crew members were detained when the ship was seized late Wednesday. It did not provide further details on the vessel or the nationality of the crew.

This would mark the third commercial vessel seized by Iranian forces in recent weeks and the second accused of smuggling fuel. Tensions have soared in the Gulf in recent months as the US has boosted its military presence and oil tankers have been seized by Iranian forces or targeted by unknown saboteurs.

The tensions are rooted in the US decision last year to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear accord and impose sweeping sanctions on Iran.

Saturday, August 3

Iran will take ‘third step’ to reduce commitments to nuclear deal – Zarif

Iran will take the third step to reduce its commitments to a landmark 2015 nuclear deal within the framework of the pact, Zarif said on Saturday, according to parliamentary news agency ICANA.

“The third step in reducing commitments to (the nuclear deal) will be implemented in the current situation,” he said.

“We have said that if (the deal) is not completely implemented by others then we will also implement it in the same incomplete manner. And, of course, all of our actions have been within the framework of (the deal).”

Thursday, August 1

“Childish” of US to sanction Iran foreign minister – Rouhani

Rouhani accused the US of “childish behaviour” on Thursday over Washington’s sanctioning of Iran’s foreign minister amid rising tensions between the two countries.

“They (Americans) are resorting to childish behaviour … they were claiming every day: ‘we want to talk, with no preconditions’ … and then they sanction the foreign minister,” Rouhani said.

“This means they have lost the power of rational thought.”

Wednesday, July 31

US puts sanctions on Iranian foreign minister Zarif

The US on Wednesday imposed sanctions on Zarif, targeting the country’s top spokesman and potentially hurting chances of diplomatic talks amid rising tensions between the two countries.

Zarif, a critical figure in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, dismissed the action and said it would not affect him.

“Javad Zarif implements the reckless agenda of Iran’s Supreme Leader and is the regime’s primary spokesperson around the world. The US is sending a clear message to the Iranian regime that its recent behaviour is completely unacceptable,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

The sanctions against Zarif would block any property or interests he has in the US, but the Iranian foreign minister said he had none.

UAE, Iran hold rare talks in Tehran on maritime security

Officials from the United Arab Emirates and Iran met to discuss maritime security for the first time in six years amid a spike in tensions in the Persian Gulf, both countries confirmed on Wednesday.

The meeting is significant because the UAE and Iran are regional rivals. The UAE downgraded ties with Iran in 2016 and has long pushed for more hawkish US policies toward Tehran, including supporting tough American sanctions.

An Emirati official told AP that the meetings focused on issues related to border security and navigation in shared waters, describing the talks as “nothing new” and unrelated to current tensions. The official said there were periodic meetings scheduled between technical teams in both countries and this was the sixth one to take place.

Stoltenberg says no NATO mission requested in Strait of Hormuz

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday there had been no formal request for the military alliance to launch a mission in the Strait of Hormuz.

The United States has proposed stepping up efforts to safeguard the vital oil route at a time of heightened tension between Washington and Tehran.

Germany: European naval mission in Strait of Hormuz worth considering

The German government has not offered any contribution to a US naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz but thinks it is “worth considering” a European mission and is in touch with its partners on that, a spokeswoman said on Wednesday.

“The government is reticent about the concrete US proposal and so has no made an offer,” the spokeswoman told a news conference.

“For us, it is important to pursue the avenue of diplomacy … and to seek talks with Iran to achieve a de-escalation,” the spokeswoman added.

Iran says it is ready for dialogue if Saudi Arabia is also ready

Iran is ready for dialogue if Saudi Arabia is also ready, Iran’s Zarif said on Wednesday, according to the IRIB news agency.

“If Saudi Arabia is ready for dialogue, we are always ready for dialogue with our neighbours,” Zarif said. “We have never closed the door to dialogue with our neighbours and we will never close the door to dialogue with our neighbours.”

Iran dismisses Pompeo’s ‘hypocritical’ offer to visit

Iran has dismissed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s offer to visit and address the Iranian people as a “hypocritical gesture.”

Addressing Pompeo in remarks to reporters on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Zarif said, “You don’t need to come to Iran.” He suggested Pompeo instead grant visas for Iranian reporters to travel to the US and interview him, accusing him of having rejected their requests.

On Monday, Pompeo tweeted, “We aren’t afraid of [Zarif] coming to America where he enjoys the right to speak freely. Are the facts of the [Khamenei] regime so bad he cannot let me do the same thing in Tehran?” he said, referring to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“What if his people heard the truth, unfiltered, unabridged?”

Iran to further cut nuclear deal commitments – Zarif

Iran is set to further cut its commitments to its international nuclear deal unless its European partners move to protect it from US sanctions by ensuring it can sell oil and receive income, its foreign minister told state TV on Wednesday.

“Under current circumstances and if no action is taken [by the Europeans], we will take the next step [in cutting commitments],” Zarif said, adding that its European partners should guarantee Iran could sell its oil and collect the revenue.

Iran has said it will reduce its commitment to the nuclear accord in stages and may even withdraw from the pact unless the Europeans find ways to shield its economy from the US sanctions.

Iran says Europe ‘obliged’ to let it sell and ship oil

Iran said on Wednesday that European nations still party to the 2015 nuclear deal are “obliged” to allow it to sell and ship oil, amid a standoff with Britain over the seizure of tankers.

“They [the European parties] have set out their commitments and announced them, they [include] the sale of Iran’s oil, the transportation of Iran’s oil, and the return of Iran’s oil income,” said Zarif.

“It is clear that today’s tensions and problems are due to America’s economic terrorism and Europe’s inability to fulfil its commitments which means going along with America’s economic terrorism,” he said, quoted by state media.

UK warship commander says Iran trying ‘to test’ Britain in Gulf

The commander of a British warship accompanying UK-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz amid heightened tensions with Iran said on Wednesday that Tehran appeared to be testing the Royal Navy’s resolve.

William King, commander of HMS Montrose, said during 27 days patrolling the flashpoint entrance to the Gulf he had had 85 “interactions with Iranian forces,” which had often led to “an exchange of warnings” over radio.

“That gives you some idea of the intensity … [it] is perhaps more than we’ve seen of recent times,” he told BBC Radio in a phone interview from aboard the frigate.

“The Iranians seem to be keen to test our resolve, test our reactions most of the time,” King added.

“They’ll claim that perhaps our presence is illegitimate, even though we’re completely lawfully in international waters.”

“They may also run boats in at speed towards us, to test what warning levels we get to.”

Tuesday, July 30

Zarif calls on Trump to reject hawkish allies’ thirst for war

Iran’s foreign minister called on Trump to reject his hawkish allies’ thirst for war, adding Iranians had outlasted every aggressor for millennia.

“For millennia, Iranians have outlasted every aggressor … @realDonaldTrump: reject #B_Team’s fake history & its thirst for #ForeverWar. Diplomacy=prudence; never weakness,” Zarif tweeted.

Zarif has in the past said that a so-called “B-team” including Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton, an ardent Iran hawk, and conservative Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could goad Trump into a conflict with Tehran.

Trump tweeted on Monday: “Just remember, the Iranians never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!”.

Iran and UAE to hold maritime security talks

Iran was to revive maritime security talks on Tuesday with traditional foe the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in an apparent bid to calm tensions in the Gulf, although a Gulf official described the discussions as routine and technical.

The discussions had been off since 2013, but the UAE is widely seen in the region as wanting to guard its reputation as a safe business hub.

“The 6th joint meeting will be held on Tuesday between a visiting seven-member delegation from the United Arab Emirates’ coast guard and Iranian officials in Tehran,” Iran’s semi-official Students News Agency (ISNA) reported.

Without giving a source, ISNA said issues from shared borders, visits by citizens of each nation, illegal entries, and maritime connections would be discussed.

A Gulf official said the meeting was not related to tensions in the region.

“It is a technical meeting that was organised a long time ago to discuss routine maritime issues,” the official told Reuters.

US asks Germany to join Hormuz mission – Berlin Embassy

The United States has formally asked Germany to join France and Britain in a mission to secure the Strait of Hormuz and to combat Iranian aggression, the US embassy in Berlin said on Tuesday.

“We’ve formally asked Germany to join France and the UK to help secure the Strait of Hormuz and combat Iranian aggression. Members of the German government have been clear that freedom of navigation should be protected … Our question is, protected by whom,” said an embassy spokeswoman.

The comments, initially reported by Germany’s DPA news agency, were confirmed by an embassy spokesman.

There is considerable opposition among Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD), junior partners in conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition, to getting involved in a US-led mission.

“The German government has already rejected participation in the US military mission, Operation Sentinel, to protect shipping in the Strait of Hormuz,” said Nils Schmid, a foreign affairs spokesman for the SPD parliamentary party.

“It should stay like that. Otherwise, there is a risk of being pulled into a war against Iran on the side of the United States.”

Monday, July 29

‘Talks with US possible if they lead to tangible results’

Talks between Iran and the United States would be possible if based on an agenda that could lead to tangible results, but Washington is not seeking dialogue, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Mousavi said on Monday.

Trump has said he would be willing to hold talks with the Islamic Republic.

“Dialogue and negotiation can be held when we have a certain agenda in place and when we could get some tangible and practical results out of it,” Mousavi said in a news conference broadcast live on Press TV.

He added, “They are not for talks. They are not seeking dialogue.”

Sunday, July 28

Oman ‘not mediating’ Gulf tensions – minister

Oman is not undertaking any mediation efforts around rising tensions in the Gulf region but is in contact with “all parties” in order to maintain stability in the Strait of Hormuz, Oman’s minister in charge of foreign affairs said.

“We are not mediating, but what we are more concerned with, in this case, is securing the stability of navigation in the Hormuz Strait, so we are in contact with all parties,” Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah told Omani state TV after meeting Iranian officials in Tehran.

Foreign troops main Gulf tension source – Rouhani

The presence of foreign forces would be the main source of tension in the Gulf, Rouhani said on Sunday in a meeting with Oman’s foreign minister in Tehran, according to the official presidency website.

France, Italy, and Denmark gave initial support for a British plan for a European-led naval mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, proposed after Iran’s seizure of a British-flagged tanker, three senior EU diplomats said last week.

“The presence of foreign forces will not only not help the security of the region, but will be the main factor for tension,” Rouhani said, saying Iran and Oman had primary responsibility for securing the Strait of Hormuz.

“The roots of the unpleasant events and tension in the region today are the unilateral withdrawal of America (from the2015 nuclear deal),” he said

Iran intends to restart activities at nuclear reactor

The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation, Ali Akbar Salehi, told lawmakers on Sunday that Iran will restart activities at the Arak heavy water nuclear reactor, the ISNA news agency reported.

ISNA cited a member of parliament who attended the meeting.

Heavy water can be employed in reactors to produce plutonium, a fuel used in nuclear warheads.

Later on Sunday, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China will meet Iran in Vienna to discuss how to save the accord in an extraordinary meeting.

The meeting of the Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the deal’s formal name, will be chaired by the EU foreign policy service’s Secretary General Helga Schmid.

European naval mission in Gulf would be ‘provocative’ – Iran

Iran slammed as “provocative” a British proposal for a European-led naval mission to escort tankers in the Gulf, amid soaring tensions over the seizure of ships.

“We heard that they intend to send a European fleet to the Persian Gulf which naturally carries a hostile message, is provocative and will increase tensions,” government spokesman Ali Rabiei said, quoted by ISNA.

Saturday, July 27

Iran’s Zarif hosts Oman’s top diplomat

Oman’s minister responsible for foreign affairs held talks with Iran’s foreign minister in Tehran, Iranian state media reported.

Oman maintains friendly ties with both the United States and Iran and has previously been a go-between for the two countries, which severed diplomatic relations after the 1979 Iranian revolution.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif met Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, state television reported, without giving details of the talks.

“The visit was conducted in the framework of bilateral relations and continuous consultations of the two countries with the aim of exchanging views on recent regional developments, bilateral relations, … and international issues,” state television reported.

Oman’s foreign ministry said on Twitter the two ministers discussed stability and security in the region and freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz, shared by the two countries and which is the only route in and out of the Gulf.

Russian diplomats visit British tanker detained by Iran

Employees of the Russian embassy in Iran visited the British Stena Impero tanker, detained by Tehran in the Strait of Hormuz.

The diplomats talked to the Russian citizens who are part of the vessel crew, the embassy said in a Twitter post.

“The health of the sailors is good, they are still on board. The embassy is in close contact with Iranian partners on the issue of the timing of their return to home,” the ministry said in the post along with the photos of three crew members.

According to Russia’s TASS news agency, the embassy said the Russian citizens have no complaints, they are provided with all the things needed and can communicate with their relatives, but with some restrictions.

Thursday, July 25

British navy to escort UK-flagged ships

Britain ordered its navy to escort UK-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz after Iranian soldiers seized a tanker in the flashpoint Gulf region.

“The Royal Navy has been tasked to accompany British-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz, either individually or in groups, should sufficient notice be given of their passage,” said the defence ministry.

Wednesday, July 24

Iran hints at quid pro quo for seized British ship

Rouhani suggested releasing the British-flagged ship that was seized by Iran on Friday, if the UK agrees to release an Iranian oil tanker that the British Royal Navy captured off Gibraltar earlier this month.

The move could provide a chance to reduce tensions between the two countries for incoming British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“We do not seek the continuation of tension with some European countries,” Rouhani said in comments posted on his website.

“Should they be committed to international frameworks and give up their wrong actions, including what they did in Gibraltar, they will receive a proportional response from Iran.”

Iran ready to negotiate but not surrender – Rouhani

Iran is ready for “just” negotiations but not if they mean surrender, Rouhani said, without saying what talks he had in mind.

Rouhani seemed to be referring to possible negotiations with the United States.

“As long as I have the responsibility for the executive duties of the country, we are completely ready for just, legal and honest negotiations to solve the problems,” Rouhani said, according to his official website.

“But at the same time, we are not ready to sit at the table of surrender under the name of negotiations,” he said, adding, “The world should be thankful that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are preserving the security of the Straight of Hormuz.”

Iran says it will secure Strait of Hormuz

Iran will secure the Strait of Hormuz and not allow any disturbance in shipping in the key oil transport waterway, Araghchi said on Tuesday during a visit to Paris, the state news agency IRNA reported.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian stressed the need for Tehran to quickly respect the 2015 nuclear accord it has breached and “make the needed gestures” to deescalate mounting tensions in the Persian Gulf region.

France is working “at this moment on a European initiative” with Britain and Germany, Le Drian told lawmakers, without elaborating. “This vision is the opposite of the American initiative, which is … maximum pressure” against Iran.

First British vessel transits Hormuz after tanker seizure  

A large British-flagged vessel has transited the Strait of Hormuz in the first such passage made by a British ship since Iran seized a UK-flagged tanker last week.

Maritime publication Lloyd’s List identified the vessel as BW Elm and reported that British warship HMS Montrose closely shadowed the vessel but did not provide a direct escort.

The Royal Navy could not immediately be reached for comment.

Data on tracking site Marine Traffic showed the commercial ship arrived at a port in Qatar early Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 23

US says it ‘engaged’ two Iranian drones, not one

The US military says that when it destroyed an Iranian drone last week over the Strait of Hormuz, it also took aim at a second drone.

Iran denies it lost any drones.

US Central Command says that one Iranian drone crashed into the sea after the USS Boxer took what Central Command called “defensive action” against it last Thursday. It said the Boxer also “engaged” a second Iranian drone at the same time, but could not confirm it was destroyed.

Vienna meeting on Iran nuke deal

Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China will meet in Vienna on July 28 to discuss how to save the 2015 nuclear deal, the EU’s foreign policy service said in a statement on Tuesday.

“The meeting has been convened at the request of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Iran, and will examine issues linked to the implementation of the JCPOA in all its aspects,” the statement said.

The Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the deal’s formal name, will be chaired by the EU foreign policy service’s Secretary General Helga Schmid.

Iran warns new British PM it will ‘protect’ Gulf waters

Iran warned Britain’s next prime minister Boris Johnson that it will “protect” waters of the oil-rich Gulf, amid a standoff between the two countries over the seizure of tankers.

“I congratulate my former counterpart, @BorisJohnson on becoming UK PM,” Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif tweeted after Johnson beat his rival, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, in a party vote.

“Iran does not seek confrontation. But we have 1500 miles of Persian Gulf coastline. These are our waters & we will protect them,” Iran’s top diplomat wrote.

Monday, July 22

Britain planning ‘European-led protection force’

Britain will seek to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz after Iran seized a British-flagged vessel in what London said was an act of “state piracy”.

“Under international law, Iran had no right to obstruct the ship’s passage – let alone board her. It was, therefore, an act of state piracy,” Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt told parliament.

“We will now seek to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to support safe passage of both crew and cargo in this vital region,” Hunt said.

Britain’s May to chair emergency session on seized tanker

Prime Minister Theresa May will chair an emergency security session to discuss how to respond to Iran’s seizure of a British-flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz.

The meeting of security ministers and officials will discuss how to secure shipping in the sensitive region, which is vital to the world’s oil supply.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is also expected to brief Parliament on the Friday seizure of the Stena Impero tanker, now in a heavily guarded Iranian port.

Britain is considering a number of options to raise the economic and diplomatic pressure on Iran but officials say military operations are not being considered at the moment.

Sunday, July 21

All crew members ‘safe and in good health’ – Iran

All 23 crew members of the seized British-flagged Stena Impero tanker were “safe and in good health”, the head of the Ports and Maritime Organisation of Iran in Hormozgan Province told stateTV.

“All the 23 crew members are aboard the ship are safe and ingood health in Bandar Abbas port,” said Allahmorad Afifipour.

The crew are from India, Latvia, the Philippines and Russia.

Iran says its seizure of British ship a ‘reciprocal’ move

Iran’s seizure of a British oil tanker was a response to Britain’s role in impounding an Iranian supertanker first, senior officials said, as newly released video of the incident, showed Iranian commandos in black ski masks and fatigues rappelling from a helicopter onto the vessel in the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

In a dramatic video released by the Revolutionary Guard, several small Guard boats can be seen surrounding the larger tanker as it moves through the strait.

Above, a military helicopter hovers and then several men wearing black masks begin to rappel onto the ship.

FM Jeremy Hunt set to freeze Iran Assets 
British ministers are making plans aimed at targeting Iran with sanctions in the aftermath of the Iranian seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker in the Gulf, the DailyTelegraph newspaper reported.

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is expected to announce on Sunday diplomatic and economic measures, including potential asset freezes, as a response to the incident, according to the report.

Britain could push for United Nations and European Union sanctions to be reimposed on Iran after they had been lifted in 2016 following a deal on Iran’s nuclear program, the Telegraph reported.
Saturday, July 20

Britain says Iran seized its tanker in Omani waters

London wants to de-escalate tensions with Tehran, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said Saturday following a meeting of the UK’s emergencies committee over Iran’s seizure of a British-flagged ship in the Gulf.

The meeting “reaffirmed UK desire to de-escalate,” Hunt said, adding that the Stena Impero oil tanker was seized in Omani waters “in clear contravention of international law” in “utterly unacceptable” circumstances.

The seizure came hours after a court in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar said it would extend by 30 days the detention of Grace 1, an Iranian tanker seized two weeks ago in an operation aided by British Royal Marines on allegations of breaching EU sanctions against Syria.

Hunt said that having spoken to his Iranian counterpart Zarif, Tehran saw the situation as a “tit for tat.”

Iran may be on ‘dangerous path’ after seizing tanker

British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt said on Saturday that he was worried that Iran had taken a “dangerous path” after it seized a British-flagged tanker on Friday in the Strait of Hormuz.

Iran’s Fars news agency reported that the Stena Impero had been taken to the port of Bander Abbas, which faces the strait, after it said the tanker had been involved in an accident with an Iranian fishing vessel.

The Foreign Office in London also summoned Iran’s charge d’affaires on Saturday, the ministry said.

British-flagged tanker was in accident with fishing boat – Iran

The British-flagged tanker Stena Impero was in an accident with a fishing boat before being detained on Friday, Iran’s Fars news agency reported on Saturday, quoting an official.

Iran says all 23 crew seized on the tanker are now at Bandar Abbas port and will remain on the vessel until the end of an investigation, according to Fars.

“It got involved in an accident with an Iranian fishing boat… When the boat sent a distress call, the British-flagged ship ignored it,” said the head of Ports and Maritime Organisation in southern Hormozgan province, Allahmorad Afifipour.

“The tanker is now at Iran’s Bandar Abbas port and all of its 23 crew members will remain on the ship until the probe is over.”

Britain said earlier it was urgently seeking information about the Stena Impero, which had been heading to a port in Saudi Arabia and suddenly changed course after passing through the strait at the mouth of the Gulf.

Germany, France call on Iran to release tanker

Germany and France on Saturday called on Iran to immediately release the British oil tanker, in statements issued by their foreign ministries.

The capture of the Swedish-owned, British-flagged Stena Impero was a “dangerous further aggravation of an already tense situation,” the German statement said.

UK warns British ships to avoid Hormuz Strait

London Saturday advised British ships to avoid the Strait of Hormuz for “an interim period” following Iran’s seizure of the British-flagged tanker.

“We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s unacceptable actions which represent a clear challenge to international freedom of navigation,” a government spokeswoman said following an overnight meeting of the government’s COBRA emergencies committee.

“We have advised UK shipping to stay out of the area for an interim period.”

Friday, July 19

Second ship seized by Iran – UK

Britain said Iran’s seizure of a British-flagged vessel and a Liberian-flagged vessel in the Strait of Hormuz was unacceptable and called for freedom of navigation in the Gulf.

“I’m extremely concerned by the seizure of two naval vessels by Iranian authorities in the Strait of Hormuz,” Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said.

“I will shortly attend a COBR (national security) meeting to review what we know and what we can do to swiftly secure the release of the two vessels – a British-flagged vessel and a Liberian-flagged vessel,” he said.

“These seizures are unacceptable. It is essential that freedom of navigation is maintained and that all ships can move safely and freely in the region,” Hunt said.

Iran says it has seized a British oil tanker

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard says it has seized a British oil tanker that was passing through the Strait of Hormuz.

The Guard’s website,, said the tanker “Stena Impero” was seized on Friday by the Guard’s forces for “non-compliance with international maritime laws and regulations” and has transferred the vessel to an Iranian port.

The company that manages the vessel said it was unable to contact the crew after it was approached by unidentified small crafts and a helicopter during transit of the Strait of Hormuz.

Northern Marine Management said the tanker was now heading north towards Iran. Northern Marine Group is owned by Stena AB.

Britain said it was urgently seeking further information after a British-flagged tanker took a sudden turn into Iranian waters.

Prime Minister Theresa May’s office declined to comment.

Pompeo says Iran needs to ‘come to the table’ 

US Secretary of State Pompeo said that the United States needed Iran to “come to the table” for negotiations, amid rising tensions between Washington and Tehran in the Gulf that have impacted global oil markets.

Pompeo, speaking at a counterterrorism summit in Buenos Aires, also repeated an offer from Trump for talks without preconditions.

“The Iranians continue to say they will talk about it, but only if the United States does something.

We need them to come to the table, it’s the right way to resolve these challenges,” Pompeo told reporters.

Footage disproves US downed drone – Iran

Iran’s state TV aired footage it said disproved Trump’s assertion that the US Navy has destroyed an Iranian drone in the Gulf.

The video published by the Revolutionary Guard showed aerial views of warships. The TV station said the drone had captured the footage and timing notations showed the drone was still filming after Washington said it had been downed in the Strait of Hormuz.

Trump said on Thursday that the drone had flown to within 1,000 yards (900 metres) of the US warship Boxer and had ignored “multiple calls to stand down.”

Detention of Iran supertanker extended 

Gibraltar’s Supreme Court has granted a 30-day extension to allow authorities there to continue to detain the Iranian oil tanker Grace 1 until August 15.

The vessel was seized earlier this month by British Royal Marines off the coast of the British Mediterranean territory on suspicion of violating sanctions against Syria.

“At a private meeting of the Supreme Court on an application by the attorney general, the court has extended the period of detention of the vessel, Grace 1, for a further 30 days and has set a new hearing for 15 August 2019,” the Gibraltar government said.

All Iran’s drones returned safely to base – military

Iran’s top military spokesman said all the country’s drones had returned safely to base, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported, after Trump said a US Navy ship had “destroyed” one.

“All drones belonging to Iran in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz … returned safely to their bases after their mission of identification and control, and there is no report of any operational response by USS Boxer,” Abolfazl Shekarchi, a senior armed forces spokesman, was quoted as saying by Tasnim.

Iran has not lost any drones – deputy foreign minister

Araqchi denied on Friday that Iran had lost a drone in the Strait of Hormuz after the United States said that a US Navy ship had “destroyed” an Iranian drone.

“We have not lost any drone in the Strait of Hormuz nor anywhere else. I am worried that USS Boxer has shot down their own UAS [Unmanned Aerial System] by mistake!,” Araqchi said on Twitter, referring to a US warship in the strategic waterway.

Thursday, July 18

Iran drone destroyed – Pentagon

A US Navy ship destroyed an Iranian fixed-wing drone in a “defensive action,” escalating tensions in the Gulf after the drone came within “threatening range.”

The USS Boxer, an amphibious assault ship, shot down the drone for flying too close to the ship in the Strait of Hormuz earlier Thursday, according to a statement by Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman.

The incident took place about 10 am local time as the Boxer was transiting into the Strait of Hormuz.

“The ship took defensive action against the UAS to ensure the safety of the ship and its crew,” he added.

In remarks at the White House, Trump blamed Iran for a “provocative and hostile” action and said the US responded in self-defence.

“The United States reserves the right to defend our personnel, facilities and interests and calls upon all nations to condemn Iran’s attempts to disrupt freedom of navigation and global commerce,” Trump said.

Zarif responded by saying he was not aware of any downing of an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday after Trump said the US military had shot one down in the Strait of Hormuz.

“We have no information about losing a drone today,” Zarif told reporters at the United Nations before a meeting with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Foreign tanker detained – Revolutionary Guards

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said they had detained a “foreign tanker” and its crew for allegedly smuggling fuel in the Gulf.

The tanker was seised on Sunday “south of the (Iranian) island of Larak” in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the force’s Sepahnews website said.

The Guards did not detail the name or provenance of the vessel.

“With a capacity of two million barrels and 12 foreign crew on board, the vessel was en route to deliver contraband fuel received from Iranian boats to foreign ships in farther regions when it was intercepted,” the force said.

The announcement comes two days after Iran said it had come to the aid of a foreign tanker after receiving a distress call – making no mention of the vessel being seized.

Wednesday, July 17

US unsure whether Iran seized tanker

US officials say they are unsure whether an oil tanker towed into Iranian waters was seized by Iran or rescued after facing mechanical faults as Tehran asserts, creating a mystery at sea at a time of high tension in the Gulf.

The MT Riah disappeared from ship tracking maps when its transponder was switched off in the Strait of Hormuz on July 14. Its last position was off the coast of the Iranian island of Qeshm in the strait.

A US official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said it appeared that the tanker was in Iranian territorial waters, but it was not clear whether that was because Iran had seized it or rescued it.

The mystery comes at a time when Washington has called for greater security for ships in the Gulf.

Adding to the riddle of the missing ship was difficulty establishing who owns it, which no country or company has so far publicly claimed. Initial reports described it as Emirati. However, an Emirati official told Reuters the tanker was neither owned nor operated by the UAE.

Tuesday, July 16

UAE oil tanker goes missing

A small oil tanker from the United Arab Emirates traveling through the Strait of Hormuz entered Iranian waters and turned off its tracker two days ago, leading the US to suspect Iran seized the vessel amid heightened tensions in the region, an American defence official said on Tuesday.

Iran offered no immediate comment on what happened to the Panamanian-flagged oil tanker Riah late on Saturday night.

An Emirati official acknowledged the vessel sent out no distress call.

Oil tankers previously have been targeted in the wider region amid tensions between the US and Iran over its unraveling nuclear deal with world powers.

Trump says US not seeking ‘regime change’ in Iran

Trump said Washington is not pushing to topple Iran’s leadership but is determined to stop it acquiring nuclear weapons.

“We are not looking for regime change. We are not looking for that at all,” Trump said during a cabinet meeting. “They can’t have a nuclear weapon.”

The United States quit an international deal aimed at curbing Iran’s nuclear program last year, hitting Tehran with crippling sanctions. Iran said last week that it had enriched uranium past the 3.67 percent limit set by the 2015 nuclear deal, and has also surpassed the 3 00-kilogram cap on enriched uranium reserves.

Monday, July 15

2015 nuclear deal ‘still alive’

The European Union’s top Foreign Policy chief says the Iran nuclear deal is “not in the best of health, but still alive”.

Federica Mogherini addressed the media on Monday after European Union nations threw their diplomatic weight behind the unraveling Iran nuclear deal on Monday, trying to rescue the pact from collapsing under US pressure.

The 28 EU foreign ministers insisted that recent Iranian actions surpassing uranium enrichment thresholds set by the 2015 deal did not necessarily condemn the whole agreement.

“We hope and we invite Iran to reverse these steps and go back to full compliance with the agreement,”

Mogherini also admitted that the EU’s efforts would probably not be enough to mitigate the impact of the US’s decision to withdraw from the agreement and impose sanctions on Iran.

Noting that Iran was “still a good year away” from potentially developing a nuclear bomb, British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said there was still a “small window to keep the deal alive.”

Israel: EU’s response to Iran recalls Nazi appeasement

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned a European Union response on Monday to Iran’s breaches of nuclear limitations, saying it recalled failed diplomacy with Nazi Germany ahead of World War Two.

“(It) reminds me of the European appeasement of the 1930s,” Netanyahu said in a video statement after EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said none of the parties to a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran saw its increased uranium enrichment as “significant non-compliance”.

“Then, too, there were those who stuck their head in the sand and did not see the approaching danger,” said Netanyahu, who has often cast Iran’s nuclear projects as a mortal menace to Israel and the wider world.

Sunday, July 14

European powers urge dialogue in Iran nuclear crisis 

Britain, France and Germany called for dialogue and an end to the escalation over Iran’s nuclear programme.

The three key European powers expressed concern that the 2015 deal risked further unravelling but said it was up to Tehran to ensure the deal survived.

“We believe the time has come to act responsibly and seek a path to stop the escalation of tensions and resume dialogue,” said the English-language version of the statement issued by the Elysee.

“The risks are such that it is necessary for all stakeholders to pause and consider the possible consequences of their actions,” it added.

Iran ready to talk if US lifts sanctions – Rouhani

Iran is ready to hold talks with the US if Washington lifts sanctions and returns to the 2015 nuclear deal it quit last year, Iranian Rouhani said in a televised speech on Sunday.

Trump’s administration says it is open to negotiations with Iran on a more far-reaching agreement on nuclear and security issues.

But Iran has made any talks conditional on first being able to export as much oil as it did before the US withdrew from the nuclear pact with world powers in May 2018.

“We have always believed in talks … if they lift sanctions, end the imposed economic pressure and return to the deal, we are ready to hold talks with America today, right now and anywhere,” Rouhani said in his Sunday speech.

Saturday, July 13

Iran tanker will be freed after guarantees – UK

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt sought to ease tensions with Iran, saying a tanker held by Gibraltar would be released if Tehran guaranteed it was not heading to Syria.

He said he had a “constructive call” with his Iranian counterpart Zarif, who he said assured him that Tehran “is not seeking to escalate” tensions between the countries.

“I reassured him our concern was destination, not origin of the oil on Grace One,” a tanker seized off the coast of the tiny British territory of Gibraltar on July 4, Hunt tweeted.

An Iranian statement confirmed the conversation and said Hunt underlined Iran’s “right to export oil”.

It added that Tehran hoped that an investigation in Gibraltar into the seized ship “would lead quickly to the release of the Iranian tanker”.

Friday, July 12

Gibraltar police say that all four crew members of the Iranian Grace 1 tanker have been released on bail without charge after it was detained last week on suspicion of breaking European sanctions by taking oil to Syria.

The police said earlier in the day that they had arrested the two second mates from the tanker, a day after the vessel’s captain and chief officer were arrested.

It did not elaborate, but said the investigation was ongoing and that the Grace 1 continues to be detained.

Britain sends second warship to Gulf

Britain is sending a second warship to the Gulf amid growing tensions with Iran after Royal Marines seized an Iranian tanker off the coast of Gibraltar lastweek.

As part of our long-standing presence in the Gulf, HMS Duncan warship is deploying to the region, Britain said.

Earlier Sky News reported the destroyer, which had been earmarked for deployment in the region anyway although not so soon, would sail to the Gulf in the next few days to join the frigate, HMS Montrose.

Decision to seize tanker unilateral – Gibraltar 

Gibraltar said its action last week to detain Iranian tanker Grace 1 was a decision it took on its own and not at the behest of any other state or third party, the British overseas territory’s chief minister said on Friday.

“The decisions of Her Majesty’s government of Gibraltar were taken totally independently, based on breaches of existing law and not at all based on extraneous political considerations,” Fabian Picardo told Gibraltar’s parliament.

“All relevant decisions in respect of this matter were taken only as a direct result of the government of Gibraltar having reasonable grounds to believe the vessel was acting in breach of established EU sanctions against Syria,” Picardo said.

“There has been no political request at any time from any government that Gibraltar should act or not act on one basis or another.”

The vessel contained 2.1 million barrels of light crude oil, he said.

Spain had said the tanker was intercepted by British authorities after a request from the United States.

‘This is a dangerous game’ – Iran to UK

Iran called on Britain to immediately release its oil tanker which British Royal Marines seized last week, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mousavi told state news agency IRNA.

“This is a dangerous game and has consequences … the legal pretexts for the capture are not valid … the release of the tanker is in all countries’ interest … Foreign powers should leave the region because Iran and other regional countries are capable of securing the regional security,” Mousavi said.

Iran has warned of reciprocal measures if the tanker is not released by Britain.

Thursday, July 11

US looks at military escorts

The Pentagon said on Thursday it was discussing military escorts for vessels in the Gulf one day after armed Iranian boats threatened a British oil tanker.

The White House’s nominee to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, said Washington was attempting to put together a coalition “in terms of providing military escort, naval escort to commercial shipping.”

“I think that that will be developing over the next couple weeks,” Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Milley’s statement came after London accused Tehran on Thursday of deploying three military vessels to “impede the passage” of a BP tanker, the British Heritage.

“We are concerned by this action and continue to urge the Iranian authorities to de-escalate the situation in the region,” a Downing Street spokesman said.

Iranian supertanker captain arrested

A spokesman for the Royal Gibraltar Police said officers have arrested the captain and chief officer of a Iranian supertanker suspected of breaching European Union sanctions by carrying a shipment of Iranian crude oil to Syria.

Patrick Payas said the two are in police custody while investigations continue into the movements of the Grace 1 supertanker. He says they have not been formally charged.

Payas did not have information about their nationalities.

He said other crew members remain aboard the ship.

The vessel was intercepted by the British overseas territory on the southern tip of Spain July 4. A senior Spanish official said the operation was requested by the United States.

The EU and others have imposed sanctions on Syria’s Assad regime over its continued crackdown against civilians.

Iran tried to seize British oil tanker – report

Armed Iranian boats attempted to seize a British tanker in strategic Gulf waters on Wednesday but were driven off by a Royal Navy frigate, UK said in a statement, a charge Iran denied.

The Iranians ordered the British Heritage oil tanker, which was crossing into the Strait of Hormuz area, to change course and stop in Tehran’s nearby waters, CNN said, citing two American officials.

A US aircraft shot video of the incident, which ended when the HMS Montrose –– which was escorting the tanker –– trained its guns on the boats and successfully warned them to back off, the channel said.

Later, the UK government said in a statement that the Iranian vessels only turned away after receiving “verbal warnings” from a UK navy vessel.

“We are concerned by this action and continue to urge the Iranian authorities to de-escalate the situation in the region,” it said.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard denied it “impeded” British tanker in Strait of Hormuz.

Rouhani had warned Britain of “consequences” on Wednesday over the detention of one of the country’s oil tankers off the coast of Gibraltar.

“I point out to the British that you initiated insecurity (on the seas) and you shall grasp the consequences of it later on,” Rouhani said in comments to the cabinet broadcast by state TV.

Wednesday, July 10

Russia and Iran reject US statements at IAEA meeting

Iran and Russia on Wednesday poured scorn on America’s call for Tehran to adhere to limits in a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, at a special meeting of the UN’s nuclear watchdog.

The US Ambassador to International Organizations in Vienna Jackie Wolcott told the meeting that Iran was engaged in “nuclear extortion”.

Iran has said it will disregard certain limits under the JCPOA as long as the remaining parties to the deal – in particular the UK, France and Germany – don’t do more to mitigate the impact of crippling US sanctions re-imposed after Trump withdrew from the deal in May 2018.

“There is no way to read this as anything other than a crude and transparent attempt to extort payments from the international community,” Wolcott said.

Her Iranian counterpart Kazem Gharib Abadi said it was a “sad irony that this meeting is convened with the request of the United States”.

Abadi said the current impasse was the result of Washington’s “outlaw behaviour” and condemned what he called the “sadistic tendency” of the US to impose sanctions on Iran.

Russia’s Ambassador to the IAEA Mikhail Ulyanov tweeted after the meeting that the US “was practically isolated on this issue”.

He told the assembled diplomats it was an “oddity” that the meeting had been called by the US, “the country that declared the JCPOA to be a ‘terrible deal'”.

“In practice, it turns out that Washington is aware of the importance of the Plan (JCPOA),” he said.

In a joint statement to the meeting, Britain, France and Germany took a nuanced position, reflecting their continued diplomatic efforts to save the JCPOA.

They said that “our continued support (for the JCPOA) relies on Iran implementing its commitments in full”.

Trump warns of further sanctions

Trump accused Iran on Wednesday of secretly enriching uranium for a long time and warned that US sanctions will be increased soon, as the UN nuclear watchdog held an emergency meeting on Tehran’s breach of a nuclear deal.

“Iran has long been secretly ‘enriching,’ in total violation of the terrible 150 Billion Dollar deal made by John Kerry and the Obama Administration. Remember, that deal was to expire in a short number of years. Sanctions will soon be increased, substantially!” Trump said on Twitter.

The United States used an emergency meeting of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency’s board on Wednesday to pressure Iran over breaches of the 2015 international nuclear deal, accusing it of extortion and pledging to continue sanctions while still offering to hold talks.

US wants military coalition to safeguard Gulf waters

The United States hopes to enlist allies over the next two weeks or so in a military coalition to safeguard strategic waters off Iran and Yemen, where Washington blames Iran and Iran-aligned fighters for attacks, a top US general said on Tuesday.

Under the plan, which has only been finalised in recent days, the United States would provide command ships and lead surveillance efforts for the military coalition. Allies would patrol waters near those US command ships and escort commercial vessels with their nation’s flags.

Marine General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, articulated those details to reporters following meetings on Tuesday about it with acting US Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Secretary of State Pompeo.

“I think probably over the next couple of weeks we’ll identify which nations have the political will to support that initiative and then we’ll work directly with the militaries to identify the specific capabilities that’ll support that,” Dunford said.

Tuesday, July 9

Trump lured by allies into killing 2015 nuclear deal – Iran

Zarif has said Trump’s allies had tricked him into killing off a 2015 nuclear agreement between Tehran and world powers.

Zarif said on Twitter that Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had killed an earlier nuclear agreement in 2005 by insisting that Iran stop all uranium enrichment.

Monday, July 8

Iran goes beyond uranium enrichment limit – IAEA

Iran has enriched uranium beyond 3.67 percent purity limit set by its deal with major powers, the UN nuclear watchdog policing the deal said on Monday, confirming a move previously announced by Tehran.

“(International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Yukiya Amano has informed the IAEA Board of Governors that Agency inspectors on July 8 verified that Iran is enriching uranium above 3.67% U-235,” an IAEA spokesman said.

A report to member states obtained by Reuters said the agency had verified the enrichment level using online enrichment monitors and samples had also been taken on Monday for analysis.

US does not seek war with Iran – Pence

US Vice President Mike Pence called 2015 Iran nuclear deal “disastrous,” saying there will be no more pallets of cash for Iran.

He said US is willing to talk to Iran about its nuclear programme and does not seek war, but said US military is prepared to protect US interests, personnel in the region.

“Iran should not confuse American restraint with a lack of American resolve,” Pence said in prepared remarks to a conference of the Christians United for Israel advocacy group.

“The United States does not seek a war with Iran. We are willing to talk. We are willing to listen. But America will not back down,” Pence said.

There won’t be a better deal than 2015 accord – Zarif

World powers will not be able to negotiate a better deal with Iran than the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif tweeted on Monday.

Iran threatened on Monday to restart deactivated centrifuges and ramp up its enrichment of uranium to 20 percent purity as its next potential big moves away from the agreement that Washington abandoned last year.

Zarif has in the past said that a so-called “B-team” including Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, an ardent Iran hawk, and conservative Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could goad Trump into a conflict with Tehran.

Iran passes 3.67 percent uranium enrichment – AEOI

Iran has passed the 3.67 percent uranium enrichment cap set by its landmark 2015 nuclear deal and may enrich at even higher levels, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said on Monday according to the IRIB news agency.

“Twenty percent is not needed now, but if we want we will produce it. When we’ve put aside 3.67 percent enrichment, we have no obstacle or problem with this action,” Kamalvandi was quoted as saying, noting that options for enriching at higher levels had been discussed with the Supreme National Security Council.

“There is the 20 percent option and there are options even higher than that but each in its own place. Today if our country’s needs are one thing, we won’t pursue something else just to scare the other side a little more,” he said.

Increasing the number of centrifuges is an option for Iran’ s third step in reducing its commitments to the nuclear deal, Kamalvandi said, noting that restarting IR-2 and IR-2 M centrifuges is an option.

The remaining European signatories to the nuclear deal should act quickly to fulfil their promises because Iran will continue reducing its commitments to the deal until it achieves a result, Kamalvandi said, according to IRIB.

Iran must be persuaded to stick to nuclear deal – Germany

“The ball is clearly in Iran’s court. We want to preserve the deal. For this, parties must stick to it,” the German foreign ministry spokesman told a regular government news conference.

Asked at which point a red line would be crossed for the German government, the spokesman said: “Our objective is that Iran abides by the deal.”

Russia concerned over the growing tensions

Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Russia is concerned by Iran’s uranium enrichment, furthering its breach of the 2015 nuclear deal.

Peskov said the Kremlin had warned that Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from the deal a year ago would entail negative consequences to global security. He called on all parties to use diplomacy to overcome the crisis.

Iran is open to diplomacy but has ‘no hope’

Iran remains open to diplomacy to save its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers but has “no hope” in the international community, the foreign ministry spokesman said on Monday.

Mousavi said he had no information on how far Iran had taken its uranium enrichment, though a top aide to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei previously suggested Iran had a need for five-percent-enriched uranium.

“There is a lot of speculation, so we don’t know,” Mousavi said in response to a question from The Associated Press at a weekly news conference.

“We will see what we need.”

Japan concerned over Iran’s uranium enrichment

Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasutoshi Nishimura said Monday that Japan is “seriously concerned and closely watching” the development on the nuclear deal and increased tension in the Middle East.

Nishimura urged Iran to “immediately return to its commitment under the agreement and avoid any further steps that would undermine the nuclear agreement.”

Sunday, July 7

Trump says Iran ‘better be careful’

Trump warned Iran on Sunday over its imminent breach of a uranium enrichment cap.

“Iran better be careful, because you enrich for one reason, and I won’t tell you what that reason is. But it’s no good. They better be careful,” he told reporters in Morristown, New Jersey.

The 3.67 percent enrichment limit set in the agreement is far below the more than 90 percent level required for a nuclear warhead.

Iran to face more ‘isolation, sanctions’ – Pompeo

Iran will face further sanctions in response to its expected breach Sunday of a uranium enrichment cap, Pompeo said.

“Iran’s latest expansion of its nuclear programme will lead to further isolation and sanctions,” the top US diplomat said on Twitter.

“Nations should restore the long-standing standard of no enrichment for Iran’s nuclear programme. Iran’s regime, armed with nuclear weapons, would pose an even greater danger to the world,” Pompeo said.

France demands Iran drop uranium enrichment plan

France on Sunday demanded that Iran halt any activity that breaches the 2015 nuclear accord, expressing “great concern” over Tehran’s statement that it was set to breach the uranium enrichment cap set under the deal.

“We firmly demand that Iran halt all activities that do not meet its commitments under the JCPoA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action),” foreign ministry spokeswoman Agnes von der Muehll said in a statement.

“France is in contact with its partners involved to engage in the necessary de-escalation of tensions as part of the Iranian nuclear issue,” the statement said.

EU ‘concerned’ at Iran’s decision

The European Union on Sunday strongly urged Iran to stop actions that would undermine a landmark 2015 nuclear deal, saying it was in touch with other parties to the deal and may set up a joint commission to look into the issue.

“We are extremely concerned at Iran’s announcement that it has started uranium enrichment above the limit of 3.67 percent,” spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic for EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said in a statement.

“We strongly urge Iran to stop and reverse all activities inconsistent with its commitments …”

Germany alarmed at Iran’s decision

Berlin reacted with alarm to Iran’s announcement that it would enrich uranium beyond levels allowed in its 2015 nuclear deal.

“We strongly urge Iran to stop and reverse all activities inconsistent with its commitments,” a German foreign office spokesman said, naming production of larger quantities of low-enriched uranium as well as enrichment to higher levels than allowed.

“We are in contact with the other JCPoA participants regarding the next steps,” Berlin added, referring to the 2015 agreement between Iran and six world powers including Russia, Germany, Britain, and France.

‘Stop and reverse’ plan to breach nuclear deal

Britain urged Iran to “immediately stop and reverse all activities inconsistent with its obligations,” hours after Tehran threatened to abandon a landmark nuclear agreement in 60 days.

“While the UK remains fully committed to the deal, Iran must immediately stop and reverse all activities inconsistent with its obligations,” the British Foreign Office said in a statement.

“We are coordinating with other JCPoA participants regarding the next steps under the terms of the deal,” it added.

Detained oil tanker wasn’t headed to Syria – Iran

Iran denied that an oil tanker detained by Britain in Gibraltar was carrying crude to Syria, which would put it in violation of EU sanctions.

“The tanker was carrying Iran’s oil… Contrary to what the British government claims, its destination was not Syria,” said Araghchi at a press conference in Tehran.

“The port named in Syria does not even have the capacity for such a supertanker to dock. Its destination was somewhere else,” he added.

The 330-metre (1,000-feet) Grace 1, capable of carrying 2 million oil barrels, was halted in the early hours of Thursday by police and customs agencies in Gibraltar, a British overseas territory on Spain’s southern tip at the western entrance to the Mediterranean.

France will not launch dispute resolution

The French government will not trigger the Iran nuclear deal’s dispute resolution mechanism for now, instead of giving itself one week to try to get all parties talking again after Iran decided to enrich uranium above limits agreed in 2015.

“It’s not an option at this moment,” a source at Macron’s Elysee office said on Sunday.

The dispute resolution mechanism could eventually lead to the reimposition of United Nations sanctions on Iran.

Iran’s enrichment move a ‘very, very dangerous step’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran’s decision to enrich uranium was an extremely dangerous move and he again called on Europe to impose punitive sanctions on Tehran.

“This is a very, very dangerous step,” Netanyahu said in public remarks to his cabinet.

“Iran has violated its solemn promise under the UN Security Council not to enrich uranium beyond a certain level,” he said.

Iran set to exceed nuclear deal uranium enrichment cap

Iran said on Sunday it was set to breach the uranium enrichment cap set by an endangered nuclear deal within hours as it seeks to press signatories into keeping their side of the bargain.

Tehran also threatened to abandon more commitments unless a solution is found with parties to the 2015 agreement.

Rouhani’s order to exceed the threshold would be implemented “in a few hours” after the last technical details were sorted, Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said live on state television.

Rouhani initially flagged Tehran’s intentions on May 8, exactly a year on from Trump unilaterally abandoning the multilateral deal.

He has said the move is in response to a failure by remaining state signatories to keep their promise to help Iran work around biting sanctions reimposed by the US in the second half of last year.

Araghchi on Sunday singled out Iran’s declining oil sales as one of the main issues that needed to be solved, or Tehran would further step back from its commitments.

“We hope we can reach a solution otherwise after 60 days we will take the third step as well,” he said, without specifying what the further measures would involve.

France warns of consequences

Macron told Rouhani of his “strong concern” over the risk of weakening the nuclear agreement and the consequences that would follow during a telephone call Saturday, according to a statement from the Elysee Palace.

However, the two leaders agreed to “explore by July 15 the conditions for a resumption of dialogue between all parties”, the statement said, adding that Macron would consult with Iranian authorities and international partners to bring about the “necessary de-escalation” of the situation over the coming days.

It is not yet clear how far the Islamic republic will boost enrichment.

But a top advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei hinted on Friday it could reach five percent.

UN nuclear inspectors to report on enrichment move

Inspectors from the UN nuclear watchdog, who are in Iran, will report back once they have checked that Tehran has enriched uranium to a higher level of purity than that allowed under its nuclear deal, the agency said on Sunday.

“We are aware of Iran’s announcement related to its uranium enrichment level,” a spokesman for the International Atomic Energy Agency said.

“IAEA inspectors in Iran will report to our headquarters as soon as they verify the announced development.”

The 2015 deal was reached between Iran and six world powers – Britain, China, France, Germany, the United States and Russia – and saw Tehran agree to drastically scale down its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

Washington withdrew from the deal and began reimposing sanctions in August 2018 and has targeted crucial sectors including oil exports and the banking system, fuelling a deep recession.

The 3.67 percent enrichment limit set in the agreement is sufficient for power generation but far below the more than 90 percent level required for a nuclear warhead.

Rouhani has stressed that Iran’s action would be reversed if the other parties provided relief from the US sanctions, insisting his country’s policies are not meant to “hurt (the deal), but to preserve” it.


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