Referring to crimes of the Tel Aviv regime under the support of the West, the advisor to the Iranian negotiating delegation in the nuclear talks said today Europe and the US can not hide behind human rights and democracy masks.

Mohammad Marandi made the comments in an interview with Mehr News Agency on the sidelines of the Tehran International Conference on Palestine.

Referring to the military and intelligence failures of the Zionist regime in the Al-Aqsa storm operation, Marandi termed the battle between the Palestinians and the Israeli regime as a fateful battle that revealed the real face of the Israeli regime in front of everyone.

Hailing the sacrificial resistance of all Palestinians in this conflict, the analyst said that the Israelis showed their weakness in this battle.

The decline of the Israeli regime started

Despite the efforts of Western media to illustrate a positive image of Israel, Marandi said that no one believes this because of the increased crimes of the Zionist regime.

“I don’t think the Israeli regime would survive,” Marandi said, evaluating the future of the fight between the Palestinian Resistance and the Zionist regime.

He added, “It probably takes years, however, the process of the decline of the Israeli regime has started.”

Commenting on the double standards of the European countries regarding the violation of the human rights of the people of Gaza he said, “Despite the global hatred of people against the Israeli regime, the United States and some European countries continue to support the Israeli regime.”

The image of these Western countries has been damaged in the world and their reality has been exposed to everyone, he underlined.

Europe and the US can not hide themselves behind human rights and democracy masks, Marandi highlighted.

Although arrogance has a 100-year-old history in South Africa, Latin America, and Asia, this is the first time that people are being massacred in front of cameras and this is irreparable.


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