More than 125,000 people have contacted their Member of Parliament over the last three days to demand they vote for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign has said.

The figure comes from a tally of people taking action to support PSC’s calls for a ceasefire. “The number reflects the scale and depth of public opinion in response to Israel’s indiscriminate bombing and ground offensive which has so far killed more than 11,000 Palestinians, including 5,000 children, in 39 days,” the group said.

MPs are poised to vote this evening on a Scottish National Party amendment to the King’s Speech which calls for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza. MPs of all parties are being inundated with emails calling on them to support the amendment. A demonstration is also being held outside Parliament at 5 pm today.

PSC Director Ben Jamal said: “We urge all MPs to examine their consciences. This is a basic moral test. Do they vote to stop the killing of thousands of civilians, including thousands more children, or not?”

“Not voting for a ceasefire and voting for a humanitarian pause delivers a message to Palestinians that we seek a pause in the bombing so you can be fed and receive medical supplies before the bombing resumes.”

He continued: “With opinion polls showing a large majority of the British public in favor of a ceasefire, no MP should fail to act in accordance with what the public demand and what is morally correct in response to the indiscriminate killing in Gaza.”


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