The Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has once again rejected the recent joint statement by Russia and PGCC on Iran’s territorial integrity, saying that the explanations Moscow gave to Tehran were not enough.

The Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and his Omani counterpart Sayyid Badr Albusaidi held a joint press conference after their meeting at the foreign ministry compound in Tehran on Monday.

At the joint press conference, Amir-Abdollahian said that “We believe that relations between neighboring countries in the region can be expanded in the form of a chain.”

The top Iranian diplomat also expressed gratitude to the Sultanate of Oman for their efforts that contribute to the holding of the talks on the removal of sanctions on Iran between Tehran and the P4+1.

He further pointed to the Yemeni talks between the San’a government and Saudi-led coalition as mediated by Oman, saying “We hope that the talks in Yemen will lead to the lifting of the blockade on that country.”

He went on to refer to the desecration of the holy Quran in Sweden and expressed regret that insulting the holy book still continues in some European countries.

He further said that “The relations between Tehran and Muscat are privileged, strategic and strong.”

Elsewhere, he pointed to the recent joint statement which was issued after the sixth ministerial meeting of strategic dialogue between Russia and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) in Moscow, and said that “We received explanations from the Russian officials in that regard but we consider them to be inadequate.”

He stressed once again that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not compromise on its independence and territorial integrity.

“We will never tolerate the repetition of such a procedure in the statements and interference be it on the part of Russia or any other party in issues related to the territorial integrity of Iran.”

Amir-Abdollahian further stressed that the trio islands will belong to the Islamic Republic of Iran forever.

As regards the conflict in Ukraine, the top Iranian diplomat said, “Regarding Ukraine, we continue to emphasize our principled policy of calling for an end to the war and focusing on a political solution. We believe that respecting the territorial integrity of each country based on international law has to be pursued. We emphasize the territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, and we stress on the need to stop the war … we ask the parties to the conflict to return to the path of political talks.”

Oman’s foreign minister, for his part, said that he had constructive talks with Amir-Abdollahian. He added that, “The only way to overcome the differences is through frank and transparent talks.”

“We also discussed the possibility of reaching an agreement in the field of preferential trade, which, God willing, will be realized in the future,” Albusaidi also said.


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