The foreign ministry spokesperson said Sunday that the Islamic Republic of Iran has become a major maritime power despite being under oppressive sanctions.

Nasser Kan’ani made the comments while addressing the official homecoming ceremony of the 86th naval flotilla, which arrived home after accomplishing the around-the-world mission. The ceremony was held in the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas on Sunday.

“The invaluable and proud action of the Navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in accomplishing this unprecedented mission throughout the history of Iran is a source of pride for our nation. Without a doubt, it enhanced the level of the might of Iran on the international stage even more than before,” the spokesman said.

Kan’ani also noted that maritime power is among the most significant factors of any country’s military might, adding, “By accomplishing this mission, Iran displayed another achievement in the marine technologies field, showing that it has conquered all the barriers.”

“This sailing was not an ordinary trip, but it showcased Iran’s maritime might as well as its scientific, industrial and maritime technological power,” he further noted.

“In this great mission, Iran showed that the oppressive and unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States can be defeated. It also increased hope in the hearts of the independent nations of the world,” he noted.

The spokesman also said that accomplishing the mission by the Iranian navy flotilla proved to the other independent nations that they can defeat hegemonic powers’ policies with reliance on internal capabilities and based on their national will.


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