Trade relations between Iran, Armenia increased by %43

Trade relations

Trade relations between Iran and Armenia have witnessed a 43% growth in recent months, said President Raeisi, adding that the goal is to increase trade relations up to $3 billion.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who traveled to Tehran, attended a joint conference with Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi in Tehran’s Sa’dabad Complex on Tuesday.

Undoubtedly, the visit of the Prime Minister of Armenia to the Islamic Republic of Iran will be a turning point in the development of the two countries, the Iranian President said in this presser.

Saying that the neighborliness policy is one of the policies emphasized by the Iranian government, he added that holding such bilateral meetings for the development of economic, trade, and security relations between Iran and Armenia are on the agenda.

According to President Raeisi, the trade relations between Iran and Armenia have witnessed a 43% growth in recent months.

“Our goal is to increase trade relations up to three billion dollars, which can be achieved with the will of the two countries,” he added.

Good relations between the two countries will definitely lead to better relations in the region and the world, Raeisi underlined.

Stating that the Caucasus region is a part of Iran’s history, civilization, and culture, Raeisi said that developments, security, and peace in the Caucasus region are very important for Iran.

Emphasizing that regional problems should be resolved by regional actors, he stressed, “Any kind of interference by foreigners in the region will create problems instead of solving the problem.”

For his part, the Armenian Prime Minister appreciated president Raeisi’s approach toward the Armenian community of Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran can be a clear and explicit symbol of peaceful cooperation and coexistence among the followers of different religions, Nikol Pashinyan said.

Appreciating Iran’s principled views on peace and security in the Caucasus region, Pashinyan said, “I briefed Mr. Raeisi about the tripartite meeting in Sochi and I agree with the views of the Iranian president regarding the establishment of stable peace and security in the region.”

The Iranian and Armenian ministers signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the extension of the electricity and gas agreement, he also announced.

He also said that some discussions were held in the field of energy and agriculture, infrastructure, and water resources management.

The Prime Minister of Armenia also invited the Iranian President to visit Yerevan to continue these talks.


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