Spox condemns West’s double standard against Iran

West’s double standard

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman condemned American and Western authorities’ interventionist statements and double standards regarding recent riots in Iran.

In a statement issued on Monday, Nasser Kanaani said that the enemies’ approach against the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation has always been accompanied by hypocrisy and double standards.

In recent turbulence, he added, political leaders of the United States and some European countries, their media, and the West-backed hostile Persian-language media misused a tragic incident under investigation and spared no efforts in supporting rioters and disrupters of the nation’s security in the name of supporting the Iranian nation’s rights.

But the millions-strong presence of people in the streets and squares of Iran in support of the government and the country and their decisive protest against chaos and riot were ignored or underestimated by the West, Kanaani noted.

The enemies’ cognitive war and hybrid warfare against the Iranian nation will undoubtedly be recorded beside their hundreds of abject failure cases, the spokesman said.

He also noted that those who claim to be advocating the Iranian nation’s rights should put their false, threadbare slogans and put an end to decades of tyrannical and antihuman sanctions against the Iranian people.


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