Islamic Jihad targets Israeli regime with over 100 missiles

Islamic Jihad

Israeli regime media have reported that siren went off in Askelon and Ashdid ports in the occupied lands while loud explosions were heard in Tel Aviv.

Reports from occupied Palestinian lands said on Friday evening that loud explosions were heard in Tel Aviv while sirens went off in the port cities of Ashkelon and Ashdod near the Gaza Strip.

The development came after Islamic Jihad issued a warning to the Israeli regime after one of its commanders was martyred in Gaza by the Israeli regime.

The Islamic Jihad said in its statement it would take revenge for his martyrdom tonight.

Islamic Jihad’s Qods Brigades said tonight its forces fired over 100 rockets at occupied lands.

In a statement on Friday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani strongly condemned the apartheid regime of Israel’s attack on Gaza.


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