Iran seeks to strengthen economy through interaction

strengthen economy

Economy Minister Ehsan Khanduzi attended the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) meeting in Egypt Sunday during which he said that the most important priority for the Iranian government is to strengthen the economy.

In a brief address in the English language at the 2022 Annual Meetings of Islamic Development Bank Group in Sharm El Sheikh, EHsan Khanduzi called for the calculation of the food vulnerability index of the 57 Islamic member countries of the bank every year to calculate how far the Islamic countries are from the other countries.

The Iranian economy minister also called on the bank to allocate financial aid to the member states that are in need.

Later in a statement in the Arabic language, Khanduzi added that the Iranian government’s program is to pay attention to neighborliness policy, especially interaction with Islamic countries, as well as efforts to strengthen Iran’s economy.

He also said that given the importance of food security and the reliance of Islamic countries on grain and foodstuff imports, as well as the effects and consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war, he suggested the IDB to prioritize self-sufficiency in food products as its main focus.

Khanduzi also asked the bank to put the financing of technological and medical projects on its agenda and hailed the success of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of health technology and producing Covid-19 vaccines.


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