EU Special Representatives and Envoys Meet, Following the “Deteriorating” Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan

“Deteriorating” Human Rights Situation

According to Special Envoy of the European Union for Afghanistan Tomas Niklasson, special envoys and representatives of the European Union member states have gathered as the Taliban enforced stringent policies on women.

On Saturday, 11th of June, he wrote on his Twitter handle that, in addition to the delegates, “external specialists” on human rights and economics attended the event.

He wrote about the meeting’s details, which concentrated on recent issues involving women and girls, the “deteriorating human rights situation”, the absence of policy and public engagement, and the difficulty to implement coherent policies compliant with the international universal principles that also serve the people of Afghanistan.

The meeting was held in Brussels, and the representatives of EU member states have been reminded of their continued support and commitment to the Afghan people.

This comes at a time when the Human Rights Watch has accused the Taliban of war crimes in Panjshir and has called on the international community to impose a travel ban on senior Taliban officials in a separate report.

It also stated that expressing “deep concern” alone is not effective and that the Taliban should be made to behave in a practical and objective manner.

Taliban issue harsh new rules for Afghan women:


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