T he controversy is over to set what or what Samsung Applicable to the performance of its smartphones including the new Galaxy S22Keep giving what you’re talking about. thing is Jung Hye Han CEO of the mobile division of the South Korean company, We apologize to the users affected by this situation.
as reported by the ZDNet director referred to the incident during the annual meeting with shareholders held on Wednesday. At the same time, the Samsung reference admitted that the company did not give the link that matched the interests of her clients in this matter and apologized for that.
But besides trying to show that the company wasn’t acting in bad faith in the matter, Jong-Hee Han also took the opportunity to offer some clarification on what happened to the performance limitations of the Galaxy S22 and the company’s other devices. Something logical, especially since the scandal has reached such a scale in South Korea. It is already under investigation by the FTC and the country’s fair-trade commission.
What this body is seeking to determine is whether Samsung has promised more than the Galaxy S22 can truly deliver and whether that is a violation of fair-naming and advertising laws.
The CEO of the South Korean company admitted that the inconvenience arose from the implementation of the Sudan government’s game improvement service . This is a tool that the company includes on its mobile devices, but users cannot manually uninstall or disable it. According to Han, its purpose was to improve the use of resources on their smartphones when playing games. He also stated that CPU and GPU limitations are applied to the extent that they do not affect performance during a match.
But seeing the discontent among users—not only because of the less-than-expected features of the Galaxy S22 but also because of the emergence of the story—the CEO of Samsung promised it wouldn’t happen again.
The Galaxy S22’s maximum performance ended up being a huge headache for Samsung.
News broke that Samsung was limiting the performance of its phones in early March. Besides, a list of about 10,000 apps apparently affected by this strange situation has spread. But what really piqued our interest was the fact that the app standards they did not suffer from any kind of limitation, which fueled the theory that the South Koreans had fallen into them. “Awesome OnePlus “; that is, the performance tests promised something that users had not actually received.
It was initially said that the Galaxy S22’s performance limitations could be related to extended battery life . However, some of the claims were bolder—and unverifiable—pointing to an alleged attempt to cut costs during manufacturing. It was also said that Samsung used the GOS system so that mobile phones would not overheat, thus avoiding problems with thermal dispersion. Of course, Han also denied it in his remarks.
Samsung has already released a software update for all phones affected by this situation. Thus, users can now choose whether they prefer taking the hardware completely out of the Galaxy S22 or balancing performance and battery life.
However, it is reasonable to believe that from now on, a veil of mistrust will be created every time the Asian company introduces new pioneers . Now it will be Samsung’s responsibility to show that such a situation will not happen again.