Key territory in northern Baghlan has fallen under the Taliban fighters control

northern Baghlan

Doshi, a key district in Baghlan province which connects the capital and central parts of Afghanistan with the northern provinces, has been fallen under the Taliban’s control last night, an official confirmed.

Sahib Dad Ghafori, the district governor for Doshi told that as a result of the Taliban’s attack on Doshi district on Sunday afternoon and the lack of enough supporting forces and facilities, the local government forces have set back to Kayan valley.

According to separate reports, Jilga, another district in Baghlan has also fallen in the hands of the Taliban fighters.

This comes as in many provinces, the public members have shown readiness and willingness to get armed and stand with the Afghan security forces.

The new public movement has so far started in Parwan, Takhar, Badakhshan, Jawzjan, Faryab, Daikundi and Baghlan provinces.


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