Leader Urges Punishment for Assassins of Iranian Scientist

Assassins of Iranian Scientist

In a message on Saturday, Ayatollah Khamenei paid tribute to Fakhrizadeh as a “prominent and distinguished scientist” of Iran’s defense industry who was martyred by criminal mercenaries.

The following is the full text of the Leader’s message:

“In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

One of our country’s eminent scientists in the nuclear and defense fields – Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – has been martyred by brutal mercenaries. With his great, enduring scientific efforts, he sacrificed his life on the path of God and the lofty status of martyrdom is his divine reward.

All relevant administrators must seriously place two crucial matters on their agendas: First to investigate this crime and firmly prosecute its perpetrators and its commanders, second to continue the martyr’s scientific and technological efforts in all the sectors where he was active.

I offer my condolences for this loss and my congratulations on his martyrdom to his respected family, the scientific community of the country as well as his colleagues and students in various sectors, and I ask God to elevate his rank.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei


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