10 Reasons Why Coke Is Bad For Your Health



1. Tooth decay

Pepsi, Cola and other fizzy drinks destroy the enamel leading to tooth decay and cavities. Actually, the same is true of tea or coffee, especially if you drink it with sugar. But Coke contains many more harmful chemicals, the reason they advise you use a straw – or keep from drinking Coke.

2. Risk of diabetes

As you know, there is no cure for diabetes. Everyone, who regularly washes any carb-rich foods with Coke, increases the risk of developing this condition. Blood sugar levels rise quickly, but the reverse process is slow and insulin-dependent.

3. Fertility problems

Regular intake of Coke and other fizzy drinks have negative effects on people’s fertility.

4. Aspartame-related issues

The side-effects of artificial sweeteners, such as Aspartame, are still being studied. It is known that these substances affect the inner organs and may cause serious problems in the long run, including diabetes and cancer.

5. Poor metabolism

Contrary to some recent assertions, soda-containing drinks slow down our metabolism leading to excess weight and even obesity. Do not try to burn calories drinking Coke after your work-out sessions. Plain water is much better.

6. Weight issues

Coke slows down metabolism translating into excess weight. Lavish consumption of soda is linked to severe cases of obesity, including obesity in children. Coke and fast foods is a particularly nasty combo: indulgers often have extra layers of fat on them. And following junk food with soda is the notorious world-wide stereotype of a North American fatty subsisting on McDonald’s meals and Cola.

7. Mineral Depletion

The phosphoric acid in soda reacts with the stomach acid slowing down digestion, hence poor absorption of nutritious elements and minerals. Calcium depletion is the primary cause of brittle bones and cavities.

8. Dehydrating effect

It is tempting to reach for the fizzy refreshing stuff when thirsty. But you cannot really quench thirst with coke:  the caffeine it contains is diuretic. Soda does not replenish your system with fluid – it only makes the body pass more urine.

9. Other health risks

Regular consumption of soft drinks is even associated with certain types of cancer. Some doctors link drinking coke with kidney failure and other health issues.

10. Mold inhibitors

And if you think that diet coke is better, think again. Mold inhibitors are added to all diet sodas on the market. The harmful effect of those reaches the molecular level: it can severely damage and even knock out the DNA’s mitochondria. This type of damage is linked with a variety of allergies. Problem is manufactures cannot find good alternatives to mold inhibitors in diet coke.


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