Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Saeed Namaki said the collaboration among the knowledge-based companies, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, and Pasteur Institute of Iran has yielded results in three or four cases, as the homegrown vaccines have passed human tests.
“We will soon begin the clinical trial,” the minister added.
Namaki also noted that in addition to domestic efforts to develop the coronavirus vaccine, Iran has applied for the purchase of vaccines by signing up in a forum set up by the World Health Organization.
In late July, Namaki said he had good news about the homegrown vaccine for the coronavirus disease, adding that Iran is catching up with advanced countries in vaccine production.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday his country has become the first country to approve a vaccine offering “sustainable immunity” against the coronavirus. Meanwhile, scientists in the West have raised concerns about the speed of development of Russian vaccines, suggesting researchers might be cutting corners after coming under pressure from authorities to deliver.
The World Health Organization last week urged Russia to follow established guidelines and go “through all the stages” necessary to develop a safe vaccine.