To stop the spread of the coronavirus, the UK prime minister has urged people to steer clear of each other when they leave their homes.
So what is the new outdoor etiquette?
From jogging in the park, to queuing in supermarkets, experts say Britons have to ditch their usual reserve – and get used to telling people to “move away”.
The supermarket queue
Social distancing means leaving 2 metres space between people. That is just under 6ft 7in – a little less than the height of the former England striker Peter Crouch, or roughly the length of two standard supermarket trolleys.
Some supermarkets are helping shoppers by placing sticky-backed markers on the floor 2 metres apart.
“If someone comes up behind, it’s tricky. It may create a slightly tense situation,” said Dr Michael Head, a senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton.
“We should be emboldened and empowered to be able to say to them: ‘Please just take a step back.’
“We’re not used to doing it. We are quite reserved as a nation. Maybe in other countries it might be easier.”
Andrew Opie, the director of food and sustainability at the British Retail Consortium, said retailers were employing measures to help shoppers keep their distance. “These include controlling the flow of customers into stores, placing floor distance guides for those queuing inside stores, and communicating with customers to remind them of the importance of social distancing.
“However, the focus for staff remains ensuring customers have access to goods on shelves; customers must play their part in ensuring responsible and safe shopping by keeping 2 metres apart wherever possible – both inside stores and if queuing outside – and everyone should feel confident in asking fellow customers to do the same.”
In the UK, jogging and running are among few outdoor activities still available. For some, however, the thought of encountering a heavily perspiring runner who is exhaling heavily as they overtake at close quarters on a narrow path may cause alarm.
Runners should keep their distance too, though the risk of passing on the virus is small.
“There will be a risk there, but it will be a very small risk,” said Head. “You are running up behind someone and past them. The time you will be close to them will be minimal. So the risk of transmission at that precise point will be very, very tiny.
“The definition of a contact thus far is within 2 metres for 15 minutes. So if you are on public transport, or stuck in a restaurant with someone, that has the potential to be a contact there. If you are running past someone for a few seconds, in an outdoor space as well, the risk of transmission at that point is tiny.”
Runners, however, are known to spit – and that poses a different problem.
The issue was addressed by Amy Treakle, an infectious disease specialist with the Polyclinic in Seattle, who has said: “Covid-19 is spread by respiratory droplets when a person coughs or sneezes, and transmission may occur when these droplets enter the mouths, noses, or eyes of people who are nearby. Spit contains saliva but could also contain sputum from the lungs or drainage from the posterior nasopharynx.”
She has also advised against shooting mucus out of your nose. The new etiquette, in short, is do neither – at least around anyone else.
Spring sunshine led to thousands leaving towns and cities for Britain’s beaches and wide open spaces.
Such crowds present serious risk. Even those who eventually managed to find a deserted spot would probably have had to negotiate a busy car park.
The walking charity Ramblers UK advises people to only walk locally, in places that can be accessed without a car or public transport.
“Avoid busy places, including popular parks, beauty spots or beaches,” it said. Keep 2 metres apart and “avoid touching gates, fences etc”.
“If you do, clean your hands with anti-bac and wash your hands as soon as possible.”
“It’s up to all of us to recognise that other people might not be willing to speak up , and not to put them in that position where they need to speak up.”
Touchscreen tills
These tills are a great place for viruses and bacteria to be passed from person to person, according to infectious disease epidemiologists. The British Retail Consortium has stressed that stores have increased the number of deep cleans and are implementing other measures.
Should you whip out the anti-bacterial wipes or don the rubber gloves?
“I think we need to try as far as possible not to be embarrassed by little things that we might previously have been embarrassed about,” said Head. “It’s perfectly fine to wash your hands in public before and after touching door handles and screens. It’s a key message that people need to carry on doing.” As for gloves: “If people feel reassured by that, then wear gloves.”