Eurocrats burn out under ‘insane’ Green Deal workload

Green Deal workload

Brussels is picking up the pace on turning its climate ambitions into law, but European Commission staff are warning that they’re buckling under the workload — and that burnout could undermine the bloc’s ability to deliver on its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

The workload is “insane” and “deadlines are often impossible [to meet],” a Commission official who has worked at the institution for more than a decade said on condition of anonymity.

“People are resisting but they are reaching the end of the rope,” the official said. “I have colleagues in burnout.”

The Commission is racing to get its big legislative to revamp to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030 across the line by July 14. That package — called Fit for 55 — involves the directorates-general for climate action, energy, mobility and taxation and is largely on track, officials say. But the wider long-term strategy into which it fits — the European Green Deal, which aims to make the EU climate neutral by 2050 — is causing concern.

Officials in the Directorate-General for Environment, DG ENV, have been working around the clock to implement a number of new strategies presented as part of the Green Deal, including action plans on the circular economy, biodiversity, chemicals and pollution.

That involves revising legislation to integrate more than a dozen new proposals and strategies into existing rules. It’s time-consuming work that is being done under enormous pressure, as the Commission wants to put forward all proposals by the end of its term in 2024. To meet that timeline, civil servants often have just a few months to draft impact assessments that would usually take a year, the official said.

The work “makes sense” and gives staff a sense of purpose which helps them “cope with the situation,” according to the official. But the pressures of remote working and the difficulty of separating work from personal life during the pandemic isn’t helping stress levels.

“HR is worried … they want to do something about this but they don’t really know what,” the official said.

The pressure on staff means the Commission’s ability to deliver on all of its objectives and targets under the Green Deal “is seriously endangered,” according to a second official with two decades of Commission experience. Staff is “working twice the normal hours and [on] weekends” to keep up.

Deadlines are being met “by the skin of [our] teeth,” said a third Commission official working closely on the Fit for 55 packages. Given the scale of the legislative effort, “there’s incredible work being done,” the official added. “Everyone is managing.”

Short of staff and short of time

The Commission is unlikely to recruit much more additional staff due to budget constraints, officials say, raising the risk it could miss its own targets in delivering on its flagship climate package.

When the second Commission official raised the issue of overworked staff with managers, “the reply is that there is no money” for additional resources.

The Commission is working under “tight resource constraints” following “reductions for human resources financing for the Commission” in the bloc’s long-term budget, a Commission spokesperson said.

The institution is currently trialing a managers’ training program on dealing with burnout and has reallocated staff resources to departments “that are under higher pressure to deliver” on the Green Deal, the spokesperson added.

Several pieces of legislation are already facing delays. In March, Mattia Pellegrini, head of the waste unit in the Commission’s environment department, said delays to the revision of the Waste Framework Directive were in part related to staff struggling to keep up with an “unprecedented” workload that is “beyond any work-life balance.”

The department is dealing with a high number of revisions with limited staff, which has resulted in “colleagues who are collapsing” and took “zero vacation in 2020,” Pellegrini said.

Matjaž Malgaj, the head of unit in the Commission’s environment department who coordinates work on Brussels’ plan for the revision of EU-wide ecodesign rules, said he “recognized” the need to increase staff to fully implement and develop the legislation. The European Court of Auditors made the same point in a report last year.

“This is not something we should be shying away from addressing,” Malgaj said earlier this month. “It simply will not be credible to set out the ambition that we did [under the Green Deal] without having a proper improvement in how things are enforced.”

The problem is likely to snowball, officials say. New Green Deal legislation entails additional oversight and enforcement requirements, again increasing workload that — without additional resources — could overwhelm staff and create backlogs.

At this month’s meeting of EU environment ministers, Commissioner for the Environment Virginijus Sinkevičius argued against extending the scope of the EU Aarhus Regulation on access to environmental justice, saying that allowing more opportunities for people to challenge EU decisions suspected of breaching environmental rules risks burying Commission staff in paperwork.

“We should avoid a situation where the system will be unable to cope with an avalanche of requests and where effective case handling becomes impossible,” Sinkevičius said. “This can also have a negative impact on the capacity of the Commission to deliver on our joint priorities,” he continued, referring to the Green Deal.

But extending the scope of the Aarhus Regulation is essential to holding the Commission accountable during the implementation of the Green Deal, environmentalists argue. Because “a lot of the Green Deal will be delivered through administrative decisions, it’s really important to be able to hold decision-makers to account … and to have access to a review procedure,” said Anne Friel, environmental democracy lawyer at the legal charity ClientEarth.

European lawmakers are also becoming increasingly concerned that the Commission is running its staff into the ground — and harming its own priorities.

“I wonder how long the Commission will be pretending that it holds a grip on the situation,” said Renew Europe MEP Martin Hojsík. “We see legislative proposals and policy actions being postponed, we hear about officials burning out or running away … The European Green Deal is the flagship of this Commission, the institution should adapt its HR strategy accordingly.”


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