Sanctions cause rely more on domestic capabilities


Speaking on the sidelines of Sacred Defense Week Exhibition on Wed., held at the venue of Headquarters of the Energy Ministry, he endeared the name and memory of martyrs during eight years of the Sacred Defense (Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980-1988) and added, “Although sanctions imposed against the country have brought about problems, restrictions and difficulties, it (sanctions) brought about opportunities to rely more on our capabilities and potentials.”

Ardakanian took this opportunity to express his thanks to the staff and personnel in water and power industry of the country who undertook heavy responsibility during the eight years of Iraqi imposed war against Iran and could fulfill their duties in the best form possible in line with providing and supplying sustainable and safe water and electricity to the noble people of the country.”

Sanctions caused the country to rely more on its capabilities and potentials in line with moving towards progress and development and this issue should be taken into serious consideration, the energy minister reiterated.


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