Central banks on ‘suicide mission’ to explode ‘nuclear monetary bomb’


Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert have compared the global monetary system to the “insane nuclear technology” of the past, saying it could easily explode if some central banks continue to push forward with quantitative easing.

What we’re seeing from US Federal Open Market Committee, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan, resembles a “suicide mission,” Stacy said in the latest episode of Keiser Report.

“Bank of Japan, by the way, is leading the way of this whole kamikaze technique,” she noted, adding that Tokyo is far ahead of the others on quantitative easing and expanding their balance sheet.

Thus, the heads of the US, European and Japanese monetary watchdogs have “strapped down the suicide quantitative easing vest and they’ve pulled the ripcord and lit the fuse,” according to former Wall Street stockbroker Max Keiser. The “fallout” from those actions is the recent rise in the price of gold, which lately has hit new all-time highs.



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