Isfahan exporting steel to Myanmar: official


Speaking in an interview with Mehr News Agency, Rasoul Koohestani referred to Iran’s export of iron and steel to Myanmar for the first time through Kashan Customs Administration, adding that Last July, 37,000 tons of steel and iron were exported through Kashan customs, which accounted for approximately 55% of Isfahan province’s customs iron and steel exports.

Koohestani also referred to exports of last month and underlined that “with the reopening of the country’s borders, 211,290 tons of goods worth $81.728 million were exported through Isfahan Province Customs Admınıstratıon, registering 55%  growth in weight and 39% in value in comparison to last month.”

Referring to the main export destinations of Isfahan province customs administration over last month, he said that the neighboring countries including Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Turkey, Armenia, and Kuwait were Iran’s main export destinations.

“The main export products of this province are cast iron and steel which worth $28.720”, he added.


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