Cells Across the Body Talk to Each Other About Aging
Aging can seem like an unregulated process: As time marches along, our cells and bodies inevitably accumulate dings and dents that cause dysfunctions, failures and ultimately death. However, in 1993 a discovery upended that interpretation of events.
New Kind of Magnetism Spotted in an Engineered Material
All the magnets you have ever interacted with, such as the tchotchkes stuck to your refrigerator door, are magnetic for the same reason. But what if there were another, stranger way to make a material magnetic?
Evolution: Fast or Slow? Lizards Help Resolve a Paradox.
James Stroud had a problem. The evolutionary biologist had spent several years studying lizards on a small island in Miami. These Anolis lizards had looked the same for millennia; they had apparently evolved very little in all that time. Logic told Stroud that if evolution had favored the same traits over millions of years, then he should expect to see little to no change over a single generation.
AI’s Mathematical Breakthrough: DeepMind’s Language Model Solves Long-Standing Puzzle
In a groundbreaking development, Google DeepMind has harnessed the power of large language models to crack a famous unsolved problem in pure mathematics. Published in the prestigious journal Nature, the researchers' work showcases the untapped potential of these models to uncover new scientific insights and drive discoveries that were previously unattainable.
A high-tech mouthguard that might help prevent concussions
When athletes or soldiers have a concussion, the most beneficial course of action is to simply get them off the playing field or out of the action so they can recover. Yet much about head injuries remains a mystery, including the reasons why some impacts result in concussion while others don’t.
Transformation in Progress
Post-pandemic and we are in a different world. COVID-19 not only increased the pace of digital transformation, it triggered an acceleration in the development of new tools, one of which was the release of OpenAI’s generative AI tool ChatGPT in November 2022.
Drone delivers defibrillators for cardiac arrest faster than ambulance
Drones delivering defibrillators consistently outperform ambulances in the race to get life-saving treatment to people whose hearts have stopped beating, according to a landmark new trial in Sweden.
What the OpenAI drama means for AI progress — and safety
the company behind the blockbuster artificial intelligence (AI) bot ChatGPT — has been consumed by frenzied changes for almost a week. On 17 November, the company fired its charismatic chief executive, Sam Altman. Five days, and much drama, later, OpenAI announced that Altman would return with an overhaul of the company’s board.
‘First light’: NASA receives laser-beamed message from 10 million miles away
An innovative experiment flying aboard NASA’s Psyche mission just hit its first major milestone by successfully carrying out the most distant demonstration of laser communications. The tech demo could one day help NASA missions probe deeper into space and uncover more discoveries about the origin of the universe.
Electronic pill monitors your breathing and heart rate from your gut
A smart pill that can measure your breathing and heart rate from inside your gut could potentially diagnose sleep apnea and even detect opioid overdoses.