Measles cases triple globally in 2019, says UN
The number of measles cases reported worldwide in the first three months of 2019 has tripled compared with the same time last year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Pre-cut melon sold under Whole Foods, Kroger and other labels in 9 states recalled;...
Caito Foods LLC is voluntarily recalling pre-cut watermelon, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and fruit medley products containing one of these melons due to the possibility of salmonella contamination, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration announced Friday.
A rasher of bacon a day ‘ups cancer risk’
Even small amounts of red and processed meat - such as a rasher of bacon a day - can increase the risk of bowel cancer, according to research.
Climate change is making allergy season worse
You're sneezing your head off, and your eyes sting. The air around you is yellow -- along with your house, your car, your pets. Yes, of course, you already know that allergy season has arrived. Now for more bad news: Climate change makes it much worse.
Ebola outbreak ‘not global emergency yet’
The World Health Organization says the spread of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo is not yet a global health emergency.
Doctors call for transparency over no-deal drug risk
Doctors' leaders have raised concerns over a lack of clarity about drug availability highlighted by no-deal Brexit planning.
Precise brain stimulation boosts memory
Using electricity to precisely stimulate the brain can boost people's working memory, a study suggests.
Skin cancer: Missing eyelids when using SPF moisturiser a ‘risk’
Failing to apply moisturiser with sun protection factor (SPF) and sunscreen properly to the face, particularly around eyes, could be putting people at risk of skin cancer, a study suggests.
The diets cutting one in five lives short every year
The food we eat is putting 11 million of us into an early grave each year, an influential study shows.
What does air pollution do to our bodies?
The countdown has begun to the launch of one of the world's boldest attempts to tackle air pollution.