Plastic pollution is everywhere. Study reveals how it travels
Plastic pollution is ubiquitous today, with microplastic particles from disposable goods found in natural environments throughout the globe, including Antarctica. But how those particles...
‘Past a point of no return’: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero still won’t...
Even if human-caused greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced to zero, global temperatures may continue to rise for centuries afterward, according to a scientific study published...
Detecting pollution from individual ships from space
For the first time, scientists, using data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, are now able to detect nitrogen dioxide plumes from individual ships from...
Mystery of glacial lake floods solved
A long-standing mystery in the study of glaciers was recently —- and serendipitously—solved by a team led by University of Hawai'i at Mānoa astrobiologist...
Soil carbon changes in transition areas suggest conservation for Amazon, scientists say
Conservation efforts on the edges of the Amazon forest, especially in light of recent deforestation by human disturbance, could help the region weather the...
The 2020 US elections: A climate for change?
In just two days, millions of American voters will head to the polls to decide where the United States stands on the fight against...
Habitat destruction, poaching endanger Asiatic black bear
The Asiatic black bear, living in southeastern Iran and known “mam” in the Baluchi language, has biological, aesthetic, scientific, and educational values, but is...
Greenhouse effect of clouds instrumental in origin of tropical storms
With the tropical storm season in the Atlantic Ocean underway and already well into the Greek alphabet for naming, better storm track prediction has...
South America ravaged by unprecedented drought and fires
Under stress from a historic drought, large swathes of forest and wetlands in central South America known for their exceptional biodiversity have been ravaged...
Geologists ‘resurrect’ missing tectonic plate
The existence of a tectonic plate called Resurrection has long been a topic of debate among geologists, with some arguing it was never real....