Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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global waming

Snakebite Epidemic

How Climate Change is Exacerbating South Asia’s Snakebite Epidemic

Snakebites already inflict tremendous suffering across South Asia, where lack of awareness and access to treatment leaves thousands dead or disabled each year. Now, climate change threatens to dramatically worsen this humanitarian crisis.
Hydropower in a Warming World

Is There a Place for Hydropower in a Warming World?

Hydropower has a reputation for being climate-friendly. Yet building dams disrupts environments and taxes already scarce water resources. Dams even trap rotting vegetation and thus, ironically, emit greenhouse gases. Yet with superpower competition ramping up, and China building dams across the world — including Ethiopia — the environment may just get caught in the middle.
air quality research

S. Korea, NASA to kick off joint air quality research across Asia

South Korea and the United States will kick off a research campaign to uncover the cause of air pollution across Asia during the winter season as part of efforts to better address air quality challenges and come up with policies designed to improve air quality.
Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions 101

Agriculture contributes approximately 10 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (not including emissions from onsite fossil energy use). Agricultural emissions of greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. To evaluate the total impacts, emissions of the latter two gases can be converted to "carbon dioxide equivalent” (CO2e) based on their relative impacts on climate change.
Global coffee consumption

Here’s how your cup of coffee contributes to climate change

Global coffee consumption has been increasing steadily for almost 30 years. With a daily average consumption of 2.7 cups of coffee per person, coffee is now Canada’s most popular drink. It is estimated that around two billion cups of coffee are consumed daily worldwide.
Heavy snow

Heavy snow leaves more than 130 injured in Tokyo

Over 130 people were taken to hospital in Tokyo through Tuesday after many slipped and fell due to heavy snowfall in eastern Japan, the Tokyo Fire Department said.
Air Quality

In a Steel Town Outside Pittsburgh, an Old Fight Over Air Quality Drags On

When the town of Clairton, Pennsylvania, was founded a few miles south of Pittsburgh at the start of the 20th century, the only thing there was a steel mill. “At the beginning of 1901, the town of Clairton was a field,” a newspaper article from 1904 explained. “The Clairton steel mill first began operations in that year and the idea of building a town followed.” 
Fossil Fuel Consumption

Draft EU Plan Would See Fossil Fuel Consumption Fall 85% by 2040

The European Union is in the process of drafting a climate target for 2040 to serve as a bridge between its net greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 55 percent by 2030 and its goal of net zero by 2050, reported Reuters.
Temperatures Soar

Dying in the Fields as Temperatures Soar

Scores of California farmworkers are dying in the heat in regions with chronically bad air, even in a state with one of the toughest heat standards in the nation.
human-made climate change

World will look back at 2023 as year humanity exposed its inability to tackle...

The hottest year in recorded history casts doubts on humanity’s ability to deal with a climate crisis of its own making, senior scientists have said.

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