Friday, September 20, 2024

Animal Rights

world’s first octopus farm

Where do things stand with the world’s first octopus farm?

Spanish seafood company Nueva Pescanova announced plans in 2019 to establish the world’s first octopus farm in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. To mark World Octopus Day 2023, we take a look at the application’s progress following resounding opposition from scientists, animal welfare and environmental organisations, and the general public.
Thoughtful Pig

Making the Thoughtful Pig Awareness Campaign

In these frenetic times, how often do we get the chance to pause for a moment and think about the world around us and how we are all truly connected? How do our human lives impact the other living creatures we share this planet, our home with? 
captive lion industry

World Animal Protection have new evidence of cruel and illegal activity at “secret” lion...

The commercial lion farming industry in South Africa is a cause for concern due to unclear regulations and weak enforcement. This puts animal welfare at risk and threatens the country's reputation.

Which travel companies are still failing wildlife?

Independent researchers collected information from the public websites of each of the travel companies to determine which were selling tickets for harmful experiences at captive wildlife venues.

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