Russian Analyst: EU Feels Emotional Hatred toward Trump
A political commentator based in Moscow highlighted reasons behind some differences of opinion between the European Union and US President Donald Trump’s administration, saying EU leaders feel “an emotional hatred” toward the president personally.
Brexit: Your simple guide to the UK leaving the EU
Feeling a little lost on Brexit? Never really got your head around it in the first place? Let us walk you through it.
Trump’s presidency turns into the art of the no deal
Donald Trump's art of the deal persona sold books like wildfire, anchored a blockbuster TV reality show and proved a potent theme for a White House run.
American Analyst: EU States Adhere to US Agenda Even against Their Own Intersts
An American political analyst said despite recent developments straining Washington’s relations with its EU allies, the Europeans tend to adhere to the US agenda even when harming their interests, adding that Trump’s time in office will end and the ties will be repaired.
Brexit: Theresa May ‘focused’ on leaving on time, despite calls for delay
Theresa May says she remains "focused" on leaving the EU on 29 March, despite calls from her own party for a delay.
US Claim of Aid A Pretext to Sponsor Regime Change in Venezuela
An American political analyst described US efforts to send the “so-called humanitarian aid” to Venezuela as a pretext to conduct regime change in the Latin American country, calling on Washington to help Yemenis and Palestinians instead.
Why Democrats are not afraid of gun control anymore
It's uncertain whether President Donald Trump's proposed border wall will ever separate the US from Mexico. But it's already clear that the wall is reinforcing the fundamental fault line separating blue from red America.
Democrats blast absent Trump with oversight offensive
The reckoning that has been due for the Trump administration ever since Democrats won the midterm elections is about to hit with full force, with a multi-front oversight offensive targeting the President and his senior officials.
Bombshell Mueller report may never be fully revealed
Robert Mueller's report could land within days, yet rather than offering definitive answers, his hotly anticipated filing might only ignite a new controversy -- over how much of the special counsel's conclusions most Americans get to see.
The power and pitfalls of the young progressive women of the Democratic Party
The progressive, Trump-resistant first-term Democrats in the House of Representatives -- a younger, female-dominated, and more racially diverse class -- have wielded their new powers with relish.