It is good to start with this question of why the Swedish national has got involved in the proxy mission of Israel, for which he is paying the price. What does that mean for Sweden as an independent European country? To answer this question, two main assumptions should be taken into consideration, which have a historical basis. But before that, let’s have a brief look at the history of Israel’s influence in Sweden.

– First, Sweden has had an active security office in its embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran since the Second World War.

– Second, Sweden is not an independent country, and particularly during the 20th century, it was economically run by Jewish families. The country is also under full US influence when it comes to security issues.

Jewish names have been registered in documents left behind from the 17th century in Sweden. In 1680, Jews in the capital Stockholm demanded the king allow them to reside in the city without requiring them to give up their faith. But their demand was dismissed because the local legislature had refused to approve it. On December 3, 1685, Charles XI ordered the governor general of Stockholm not to allow Jews to settle in the capital city or other parts of Sweden over “the danger of the influence of the Jewish religion on the pure biblical faith.” If Jews were found living in any part of Sweden, they would be notified that they should leave within fourteen days.

In 1681, twenty-eight Jews were baptized at the German Church, Stockholm, in the presence of the Swedish King in order to be allowed to live in the European country. These documents show that the Jews had not been accepted in the Swedish society.

King Charles XII, who along with his army lived in a port in today’s Turkiye for more than 5 years, brought a number of Jews to Sweden when returning to his homeland. Having been in debt to these Jews, the king was forced to provide facilities to the Jewish community in Sweden.

Thanks to the support of the court, Jewish merchants were occasionally appointed as royal suppliers. And, one or several rich Jews usually accompanied King Charles XII — known as Carl XII in Sweden — to pay the costs of his army while he was abroad. It was in 1718 when Jews were granted permission to reside in Sweden without the need to renounce their religion.

In 1782, a decree was issued due to the efforts of a prominent member of the Swedish parliament, Anders Chidnius, limiting Jews to residing in the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Norrköping, and later Karlskrona. They were prohibited from trading or owning property in markets in other cities, holding public office, or converting Lutherans to the Jewish faith.

The government aimed to attract wealthy Jews to the country, while also taking measures to discourage jewelry vendors, some of whom had arrived in Sweden from Germany in previous years. Consequently, every foreign Jew arriving in Sweden had to report to local officials within eight days, providing a passport, identity certificate, and a statement of their purpose for coming to the country. These certificates, issued by the elders of the immigrant’s congregation in their native country, had to be verified by the local municipal authorities where the immigrant last resided. If the certificates were unsatisfactory, the authorities could expel the holder, but if accepted, the immigrant would be sent to Stockholm, Gothenburg, or Norrkoping. Jews residing in the country before the publication of this decree were required to present their identity certificate and a statement of their settlement and livelihood to the relevant authorities. The decree listed the various occupations that Jews were allowed to perform, and also mandated that they apprentice their sons to Swedish merchants in one of these three cities. It was stipulated that no foreign-born Jew could start a business unless they had at least 2,000 Swedish riksdaler in cash or negotiable bonds, while a native Jew only needed 1000 riksdaler. Rabbis were exempt, and in accordance with previous rulings, poor Jews had to be expelled from the country.

In retail trade, Jews were restricted from selling food, alcohol, and drugs. They were only permitted to sell their own food items, such as kosher meat, Jewish unleavened bread, and wine, within their community. Furthermore, Jewish retailers were not allowed to sell their goods outside of their city of residence (which was limited to Stockholm, Gothenburg, Karlskrona, and Norrköping), and they were prohibited from conducting business in open shops or through door-to-door peddling.

Jews were allowed to establish synagogues in the above three cities and retain rabbis and other clerical officials. Marriage between Jews and Christians was forbidden. For each Jewish marriage, an amount equal to six riksdalers was paid to the orphanage of the Royal Guards, which was considered as compensation to the army for exempting Jews from military service. In order to protect the interests of the descendants of immigrant Jews, the government ruled that when a Jew dies, the elders of the community must prepare a list of his assets and present it to the court for orphans or the municipality. However, Jews had the right to appoint guardians for minors, and the rabbinic court had jurisdiction over inheritance cases.

In lawsuits between Jews and Christians where the truth could not be proved except by oath, the Jew might be ordered to take the customary Jewish oath in the synagogue before the judge. A Jew convicted of perjury was subject to expulsion from the country. In 1774, Aron Isaac moved from Bützow to Stockholm and started working as a seal engraver and later became a merchant. In 1779, the Swedish Parliament issued permission to establish a synagogue in Stockholm, which Isaac launched.

He later became a supplier to the Swedish army, especially during the Russo-Swedish War between 1788 and 1790. The 1782 decree contained a separate clause that referred to “Jews, especially wealthy Jews or those skilled in some trade almost or completely unknown in the country.” Such individuals can, through the Ministry of Commerce, ask the king for privileges and benefits other than those granted in the General Decree. Jakob Markus in Norrköping was granted such privileges and built the city’s first synagogue, which was inaugurated in 1796.

The Jews of Stockholm invited Levi Hirsch to come to Stockholm as a rabbi. The first Swedish synagogue was located in Köpmantorget (Merchants’ Square), Stockholm. After a few years it was found that the place was too small, and the Jews of the capital chose the old auction room in Stockholm and opened their synagogue. In 1870, Stockholm’s Great Synagogue was built on Wahrendorfsgatan (Warendorf Street). In 1905, the Jewish Encyclopedia reported that there were synagogues in all major Swedish cities and that there were significant numbers of Jews living in the cities.

After 1782, Jews were gradually assured of a relaxation of state restrictions, but many of them, especially those living in Stockholm, sought greater opportunities and wanted to avoid being deprived because of their religion. A feeling of resentment arose among the general public against ambitious Jews of Stockholm, many of whom were wealthy investors. Anger grew over the wealth gap between Jews and others.

This public anger reached its peak in 1838. After a new decree was issued which abolished almost all restrictions on Jewish citizenship rights (in which the Jews were identified for the first time as Musaites, i.e. the followers of the Mosaic faith). There was a serious uprising in the capital, and numerous complaints were made to the government, which on September 21 of the same year was forced to repeal the new decree.

Over the course of the following years, the book market was flooded with brochures in support of and against Mosaiter (adherents of the Mosaic faith). The quarrel between pros and cons of the Jewish community continued until 1840, until the time when some members of the landed gentry and burghers, who had seats at the Riksdag (Swedish word for assembly) requested that the 1782 ruling be restored in its original format. Friends of the Jewish community attempted to pretend that the petitioners were provoked by religious intolerance, but their adversaries overtly announced that the issue had nothing to do with religion but race. Anti-Semitic lawmakers of the Swedish parliament endeavored to prove that the Jewish community had significantly abused the rights and advantages granted to the community in 1782, and that they committed the wrongdoings at the expense of harm to native Lutheran merchants. However, there had not been any desire to entice anti-Semitic sentiments in the Swedish parliament, and during the next session of the assembly (1853), when public opinion turned in favor of the Jewish community, further concessions were granted to the Jews. In 1852, Amalia Assur (1803-1889) turned into the first female dentist in Sweden.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Jewish community got rid of a few remaining shortcomings. In accordance with the law of October 26, 1860, the Jews were entitled to obtain real estate and properties in rural societies, while they had been merely allowed ownership in urban areas in the past. On January 20, 1863, the prohibition of marriage between Jews and Christians, which had been declared legal earlier, was removed based on another verdict on condition that proper ceremonies were observed. A following decree (October 31, 1873) stipulated that the matter of marriage between members of Sweden’s state church and Jewish people must be raised based on Lutheran rituals. Nevertheless, if prior to a marriage ceremony, a religious accord for the future children had been written and the parents surrendered them to a priest or another expert witness who solemnized the marriage, this promise should remain binding.

Conversely, there were different privileges that Jewish people, like any non-Lutheran person, could not acquire as long as the existing constitution of the Swedish monarchy was in effect. Hence, they could not elevate to cabinet member status. They could not serve as judges or committee members discussing religious subjects. Otherwise, the Jews possessed similar rights and were subject to the same responsibilities as Lutheran inhabitants.

According to 1890 statistics, some 3,402 Jews were living in the entire Kingdom of Sweden. However, the number of Jewish residents has jumped significantly since that time, and the Jewish Encyclopedia conservatively estimated their population at 4,000 in 1905.

The 20th Century

A law granting Jewish people equal legal rights was approved by the Swedish parliament in 1910.

Between 1850 and 1920, a large number of Ashkenazi Jews migrated from Russia and Poland to Sweden, and the Jewish population increased to 6,500 in the country by 1920. After World War I, the issue of immigration of Jewish people into Sweden was legalized, even though only small migrants from Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Austria were permitted to enter Sweden.

During the years before the war and when Hitler came to power (1933-1939), about 3,000 Jews migrated from Germany to Sweden.

Sweden was impartial during World War II. Many Norwegian and Danish Jews came to Sweden during that time. In 1942, 900 Norwegian Jews migrated to Sweden, and most importantly, almost the entire Danish Jewish community, about 8,000 people, was transferred to Sweden in October 1943.

German companies were allowed to fire Jewish employees in Sweden.

Also, Sweden’s immigration policy during the 1930s was restrictive against Jewish immigrates trying to escape to Sweden.

Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat, also provided Swedish diplomatic support to thousands of Hungarian Jews in Budapest by providing “diplomatic passports”.

The Wallenberg family also rented 32 buildings with US funds and declared them Swedish diplomatic missions, thus placing them under the protection of diplomatic immunity.

The Jewish Wallenberg family is the richest Swedish family.

The Wallenberg family runs one of the most powerful business companies in Europe with a value of over $275 million. A series of banks and large business companies has made this family one of the richest families in Sweden.

This family benefited from both sides of the war during the World War and still controls Sweden’s largest bank and Swedish arms – Gun & weapon makers-companies.

This family controls a major part of Sweden’s capital market and gross production, and 10% of Sweden’s population work in the group of companies owned by this family.

During the last few weeks of World War II, the Swedish Red Cross conducted a humanitarian operation called “White Buses” with the objective of freeing Scandinavian prisoners from concentration camps.

After negotiations conducted by Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg, some 15,000 prisoners were transferred to Sweden in the final months of the war – half of them Scandinavians, including 423 Danish Jews.

In addition to the White Buses, a train carrying about 2,000 female prisoners, 960 of them Jewish, arrived in Padborg, Denmark on May 2 and was then transported to Copenhagen and Malmö- a coastal city in southern Sweden.

Years after World War II, many Jewish refugees migrated to Sweden from the Baltic states, Romania, and Poland.

After the war, Stockholm’s Jewish population was only 7,000, including children.

In the following decades, further waves of Jewish refugees came to Sweden from Hungary, fleeing the communist government.

Then between 1968 and 1970 more refugees came from Poland. Between 1945 and 1970, Sweden’s Jewish population doubled.

The contemporary situation

With no ethnic registration in Sweden, the number of Jews living in that country can be roughly estimated.

According to the Official Council of Swedish Jewish Communities, around 20,000 people are estimated to have passed halachic criteria. Out of this number, nearly 7,000 are members of a congregation. There are five Jewish communities in Sweden: Stockholm (around 4,500 members), Gothenburg (nearly 1,000 members), Malmö (about 500 members), Northwest Scania (about 100 members) and Norrköping that is formally independent but is administered as part of the Stockholm community.

There are also smaller organized Jewish communities in Uppsala, Lund, Borås and Västerås. Synagogues can be found in Stockholm (which has two Orthodox synagogues and a Conservative one), Gothenburg (an Orthodox and a Conservative synagogue), Malmö (one Orthodox and one Moderate synagogue), Helsingborg (an Orthodox synagogue) and Norrköping (one Conservative synagogue).

The Jewish community in Stockholm has a primary school, a kindergarten and a library as well as a bimonthly magazine on Jewish history, and a weekly Jewish radio program.

The waves of Ashkenazi immigration to Sweden also brought to the country “Yiddish”, the language mainly spoken by Jews in Eastern Europe. Yiddish is an officially recognized, non-territorial minority language in Sweden. Like other parts of Europe, the use of “Yiddish” has declined in the Jewish community. As of 2009, the Jewish population in Sweden was estimated to be nearly 20,000.

Gunnar Jarring

Gunnar Valfrid Jarring (Oct. 12, 1907–May 29, 2002) was a Swedish diplomat and Turkologist. He entered the Swedish diplomatic service and began his work as an attaché in the Swedish Embassy in Ankara in 1940.

A year later, Jarring served as the chairman of Department B at the Swedish legation in Tehran. And in 1945, he was the acting chargé d’affaires in Tehran and Baghdad. Jarring served as first legation secretary, legation counselor and acting chargé d’affaires in Addis Ababa in 1946.

He served as Sweden’s envoy to India and Ceylon (today’s Sri Lanka) in 1948 and 1950 respectively and to Iran, Iraq and Pakistan in 1951 as well. From 1952 to 1956, Jarring served as director (Foreign Affairs Council) and the head of the Political Department at Sweden’s Foreign Ministry in Stockholm. And in 1955, he worked as an expert at the United Nations General Assembly.

Following several other diplomatic missions, Jarring served as Sweden’s Permanent Representative to the UN from 1956 to 1958, and was also present at the Security Council. He was Sweden’s ambassador to the US from 1958 to 1964, to the Soviet Union from 1964 to 1973, and to Mongolia from 1965 to 1973. Serving as the Swedish ambassador and representative, Jarring signed the multilateral Outer Space Treaty in January 1967.

After the 1967 Six-Day War between Arabs and Israel, and the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 242, Jarring was appointed by the United Nations chief as his special representative for the Middle East peace process.

The methods of negotiation adopted by Jarring were unsuccessful until the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The mission officially lasted until 1991. As a mediator in the Middle East conflict,  Jarring chose not to give any interviews or comments. That earned him the famous nickname “The Clam”, sometimes “The Super Clam”. Jarring received a royal medal from the Shah of Iran.

Jarring Mission

The Jarring Mission refers to efforts undertaken by Gunnar Jarring to achieve a peaceful settlement of the conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors after the Six-Day War in 1967. He was appointed on November 23, 1967 by UN Secretary-General, U Thant, as special envoy under the terms of UN Security Council Resolution 242 to negotiate the implementation of the resolution.

The governments of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon recognized Jarring’s appointment and agreed to participate in his shuttle diplomacy, although they differed on key points of interpretation of the resolution.

The government of Syria rejected Jarring’s mission on grounds that total Israeli withdrawal was a prerequisite for further negotiations. After denouncing it in 1967, Syria “conditionally” accepted the resolution in March 1972.

Jarring’s report was presented to the public on January 4, 1971. On February 4, he submitted to Egypt and Israel his most detailed plan for an Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. Egypt responded by stating that it would “only be willing to enter into a peace agreement with Israel” after Israel agreed to a set of seven terms including the “withdrawal of the Israeli armed forces from all the territories occupied since June 5 1967.”

Israel responded that it “views favorably the expression by the UAR [the United Arab Republic was then the official name of Egypt] of its readiness to enter into a peace agreement with Israel and reiterates that it is prepared for meaningful negotiations on all subjects relevant to a peace agreement between the two.

On February 28, 1973, during a visit to Washington, DC, then Israeli prime minister Golda Meir agreed with then US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger’s peace proposal based on “security versus sovereignty” in which Israel would accept Egyptian sovereignty over all of the Sinai Peninsula, and Egypt would accept Israeli presence in some Sinai strategic positions.

The talks continued under Jarring’s auspices until 1973 but bore no results. After 1973, the Jarring Mission was replaced by bilateral and multilateral peace conferences.

The impasse in Jarring’s efforts appears to be related to differing interpretations of the Security Council resolution. Israel insisted that any efforts should be undertaken with the goal of direct peace negotiations between Israel and the Arab states and that no territory concessions could be contemplated without the prospect of a lasting peace.

The Arab states and the Soviet Union maintained that there would be no direct talks with Israel (in keeping with the Khartoum Resolution) and that withdrawals were a precondition for any further talks.

An unpublished study, reported in 2010, of the Jarring Mission claims that Jarring’s efforts actually paved the way for the future peace talks and they were more significant than commonly assumed.

When World War II broke out in 1939, Sweden lacked a modern military intelligence agency. Major Carl Petersén was assigned to establish one. C-byrån (before 1942 called G-sektionen) was established in 1939, a few months after the outbreak of the war, after a joint campaign of the then Supreme Commander Olof Thörnell and the head of the Intelligence Department of the Defense Staff, Colonel Carlos Adlercreutz.

One of the first people who joined the agency was Gunnar Jarring, who had the responsibility to connect as many academics as possible with the agency. Thede Palm was one of the most prominent academics linked to the agency by Jarring.

In 1943, Palm joined C-byrån, a secret intelligence organization within the Swedish Armed Forces during World War II. C-byrån’s duty was to manage foreign intelligence gathering. He became director of operations in 1946 and it changed its name to T-kontoret.

During the Cold War, he was one of the heads of the Swedish stay-behind organization. In his posthumous notes, he tells how he was subjected to American pressure that the Swedish intelligence service should be practically under direct CIA command, which Palm firmly resisted.

Thede Palm

Palm was a close friend of Tage Erlander from his time at Lund University. Tage Erlander who was the leader of the Social Democratic Party served as prime minister of Sweden from 1946 to 1969. After him, one of his longtime protégés became prime minister of Sweden in 1969, until his assassination in 1986.

Tage Erlander

In 1965 the foreign-oriented T-kontoret allied with the domestic-oriented B-kontoret (B-office) and became the Defence Staff’s Special Bureau (Försvarsstabens särskilda byrå), more commonly known as IB. The head of B-kontoret, Birger Elmér, took over as director of the new organization. Palm was fired and transferred to the Swedish Armed Forces Staff College, where he was director of research from 1965 to 1972.

Palm became a member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala in 1976 (corresponding member in 1962) and of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences in 1969. He wrote articles in Svenska Dagbladet from 1965 and was the co-editor of Svensk Tidskrift from 1967 to 1979.

Kontoret för särskild inhämtning (KSI), “The Office for Special Acquisition”, is part of the Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST) and also one of the most secret parts of the Swedish Armed Forces. The previous names until 1994 were: T-kontoret (1946–1964), IB (1965–1973), Gemensamma byrån för underrättelser (GBU) (1973–1982) and Sektionen för särskild inhämtning (SSI) (1982–1994.)

Given the fairly brief historical introduction, it is possible to answer some questions concerning the nature of the case of the Swedish national, who was imprisoned in Iran on charges of espionage under the cover of diplomatic service for the Swedish Security Service, the European Union Intelligence and Situation Centre, and also acting as a proxy for the Israeli regime; and the Swedish government has adopted a policy of silence for over 500 days of his imprisonment and keeps on insisting on the mute policy.

1- Why has the Swedish government supported the Zionist regime and allowed a Swedish citizen to act against Iran in the Iranian territory?

-In Sweden, the government is only a facade, and an executor of high-level security plans of the Jewish family and capitalist Wallenberg family, as well as Swedish organizations, think tanks, and business and policy-making chambers including the Swedish Institute, SIPRI, and so on. The Foreign Service stationed at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of executing and pursuing ordered security tasks.

Swedes, due to their neutrality and appropriate reputation in Iran, and with the support of the anti-Iran dissidents living in Sweden, who are named the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), seem to be one of the best options for carrying out global Zionist espionage plots inside the Islamic country.

2- If the accusations leveled against Johan Henrik Niels Flodros’ activities and missions in Iran are not true, while the charges are only parts of security and intelligence accusations, why doesn’t the Swedish government provide strong reasons and evidence to reject them? Why does Sweden remain silent on this case and does not provide any proactive response to defend its national?

-Flodros worked on behalf of the Israeli regime under the guise of the European Union. For this reason, he made his first contact to coordinate his travel to Tehran with a non-Swedish individual and then stated the reason for the trip as a meeting with a friend at the Swedish embassy in the Iranian capital. However, during his stay in Iran, he had intensive meetings with agents of the Israeli regime at some European embassies in Tehran. Thus, as the Swedish government was not aware of the details of Flodros’ mission, it is pursuing the matter in coordination with Flodros’ foreign employers. At the same time, with the management of published personal information on the imprisoned Swedish national, it seeks to keep Flodros’ military training and experiences hidden.

3- Why doesn’t Sweden provide a logical response to numerous demands and problems raised by the Muslim community regarding various matters such as Quran burning, etc.?

Since the sixteenth century, Sweden had been a European state with an official Christian Lutheran religion when the Swedish monarchy came to power and until the twentieth century, Muslims did not have permission to live in Sweden.

Ibrahim Omar Khalifa was one of the first Muslim residents in Sweden, who settled in the country in 1897. He had migrated from Tatarstan, Russia (Islam in Sweden, Simon Sorgenfrei, 2018). In the early twentieth century, more Muslims gradually migrated to this country, and their number had reached 15 people by 1930. Since then, the growth of the Muslim population in Sweden accelerated until in 1949, the first social institution of Muslims under the title of Islamic Association was formed in Sweden. With the growth of Muslim migration to Sweden, especially from the West Asia region, the population of Swedish Muslims reached 400,000 in 2005. Some key informed thinkers involved in demographic changes said that the number of Muslim population residing in Sweden is currently 1,022,850 people (Imam Haider Ibrahim, head of support program for Muslims facing COVID-19 and manager of the Islamic Association in Sweden as well as a colleague at city council and Järfälla kommun, quoting Dr. Tobias, a lecturer at Karlstad University Sweden).

During the 20th century, Sweden emerged as a country with a robust economy and industrial sector. It managed to avoid the destruction of the world wars and capitalize on export development. The growth was further fueled by the influence of American culture. However, Sweden faced the challenge of maintaining a young workforce due to a low birth rate. This resulted in increased pressure on young Muslims to enter the workforce.

Muslims in Sweden are a growing population in Sweden due to the creation of the family institution and having children. Seemingly, Swedish politicians are in dire need of this workforce, but simultaneously, they seek to disrupt Muslim religious and cultural cohesion in Sweden with an organized attack on Muslim culture and beliefs during a long-term program. In the future, they will appear to be a secular country that will hold all the celebrations and occasions of anointing and build several churches in each new neighborhood, but they will impede the growth of the Islamic society.

Apparently, Swedish people are seeking to treat Muslims to send a message to the children of Muslim families in Sweden that if you want to progress in Swedish society, you have to give up Islamic values. Swedes hope that the next generation of Muslims in Sweden can be integrated with Scandinavian values that are very much in line with the values of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

•         Why is Sweden not taking seriously the situation of its nationals in Iran?

•         Swedish people generally use “silent diplomacy” in diplomatic pursuits.

•         As a country dominated primarily economically by Jewish families, Sweden has no choice but to follow the Zionist regime.

In Sweden, measures proceed systematically and with a written program that is set for each government organization. In 2014, after the presence of a large Swedish economic delegation led by the then Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven, it seemed that Sweden intended to significantly improve the level of its economic cooperation with Iran, but continued with the intensification of the activities of terrorist groups. Anti-Iran groups living in Sweden and supported by arrogant currents and events such as the arrest of Ahmadreza Jalali in Iran in April 2016, in which the Zionist regime disrupted Iran and Sweden’s ties in this case, and after the inauguration of Trump on January 20, 2017, Iran-Sweden political relations deteriorated sharply.

Instead of apologizing for anti-Iranian proxy measures, the Swedes tried to challenge justice in Iran by giving immediate citizenship to Ahmadreza Jalali, and when they did not get results from Iran’s threat, they took hostages and on November 9, 2019. Hamid Nouri, who traveled to Sweden with a tourist visa, was arrested in the most brutal way possible under the guidance of the Zionist intelligence services.

It seems that Sweden is taking steps in the wrong direction and its moves will further expose Sweden’s proxy role in the Zionists’ anti-Iranian plots.

4. What mission did Floderus really have in Iran? The spy services of the Zionist regime are the main employer of Floderus, and the Swedish government now has to follow the process determined by the Zionists and play on the ground they have prepared. At the same time, the Swedes are trying to avoid the negative consequences of this arrest as much as possible by controlling the news about Floderus, because the Swedish government not only failed to carry out its inherent duty to protect and pursue the fate of its citizen, but it has made the issue of Floderus even more complicated by taking some Iranian citizens hostage and has increasingly fallen into the trap of the Zionists.

5. Will the strategy of silence work, and is Sweden going to continue this strategy by pushing the European Union? The Swedes are masters of the diplomacy of silence and are confident in achieving results in this way. Because if they try to pursue the issue of Floderus by creating a commotion, they know that with more information being publicized, their meddlesome approaches and the role that Swedish spies play in carrying out proxy missions will become more evident to everyone, and on the other hand, due to endangering the lives of Swedish citizens, pressure will intensify on them by their own nationals and popular and independent movements inside Sweden. Nonetheless, they will continue the policy of silence as far as they can muddy the water and, of course, free themselves from the Zionist regime’s pressures. At the same time, they will arrogantly and brazenly make demands from the Islamic Republic of Iran by accusing the country of holding their citizens hostage.

6. What will be the future of this case? What is the response of the Swedish government to the family of Floderus as a citizen? The Swedes are culturally and by nature quiet and secretive and they are famous in the world for this. But it seems that in the case of Floderus, this silence and secrecy reached its peak, forcing them to consider the interests of the Zionists under their pressure. The Swedes have been raised in such a way that they generally have a lot of confidence in the power and efficiency of their government. In the first step, the Swedish government kept the issue of Floderus’s arrest secret from the general public of Sweden for more than 500 days, and in the next step, with the guidance of the Zionist regime, it tried to pursue the issue of Floderus through the European Union to avoid the negative consequences of the issue in the society as much as possible.

The European Union, especially its foreign action service under the management of Josep Borrell, first tried to pursue the case of Floderus in secret through diplomatic pressure on Iran, and after 500 days, it had to announce that he was an employee of the EU, after a firm request from Floderus, after the initial denial. However, by keeping the issue secret, the bloc tried to keep the crisis of identification and arrest of Floderus in Iran away from the curious and concerned eyes of the people of the European Union, who do not want the EU to be a plaything of the Zionists, who are still hated by the people in the European Union and have no standing with them.

This hatred became more clear and more evident after the inhumane and barbaric actions of the Zionists during the Gaza war. The ambiguous and complex phenomenon of Floderus as the proxy agent of the Zionist regime has compelled the Swedish government to be completely subordinate to the Israeli regime in pursuing the smallest details regarding this case. However, the lawsuit against this defendant has been issued on charges of espionage for the Swedish government and the European Union service, and more importantly, espionage against the Islamic Republic of Iran for the benefit of the hostile and child-killing Zionist regime, and the Swedish government should be held accountable for the actions of its citizens and cannot shirk the responsibility of protecting the lives of its citizens under the irrational and bullying pressure of the Zionist regime.

In 1680 the Jews of Stockholm petitioned the king that they be permitted to reside there without abandoning their creed, but the application was denied because the local consistory had refused to endorse it. On 3 December 1685, Charles XI ordered the governor-general of the capital to see to it that no Jews were permitted to settle in Stockholm, or in any other part of the country, “on account of the danger of the eventual influence of the Jewish religion on the pure evangelical faith.” In case Jews were found in any Swedish community, they were to be notified to leave within fourteen day.(Article by Gustav Linder, Astor Library, New York CitySweden in Jewish Encyclopedia 1906)

Through court patronage Jewish merchants were occasionally appointed royal purveyors. King Charles XII (in Swedish Karl XII) usually had one or more wealthy Jews with him in the field as the paymaster(s) of his army abroad. In 1718, Jews obtained permission to settle in the kingdom without the need to abjure their religion.

The history of Jews in Sweden can be traced from the 17th century, when their presence is verified in the baptism records of the Stockholm Cathedral. Several Jewish families were baptised into the Lutheran Church, a requirement for permission to settle in Sweden. In 1681, for example, 28 members of the families of Israel Mandel and Moses Jacob were baptised in the Stockholm German Church in the presence of King Charles XI of Sweden, the dowager queen Hedvig Eleonora of Holstein-Gottorp, and several other high state officials. (

King Charles XII (1697–1718) spent five years with an encampment in the Turkish town of Bender and accumulated a large number of debts there for his entourage. Jewish followed him to Sweden, and the Swedish law was altered so that they could hold religious services and circumcise their male children.(

In 1782 an ordinance was issued (judereglementet)[3] – due particularly to efforts of the prominent Liberal Anders Chydenius – by which Jews were restricted to reside in one of three towns: Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Norrköping. To these was added the town of Karlskrona, as a Jew had established there a factory for the manufacture of sails and naval uniforms. They were not permitted to trade in markets elsewhere or to own property. Jews were ineligible for government positions and election to Parliament. They were forbidden from converting Lutherans to the Jewish religion.

As to the retail business, the Jews were prohibited from selling victuals, liquor, and drugs, and they were permitted to retail their special articles of food, wine, kosher meat, matzot, etc., among themselves only. Furthermore, the Jewish retail dealer was not permitted to offer his goods for sale in markets outside the city in which he was located (permission was only given to reside in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Karlskrona, and Norrköping) and he was compelled to conduct his business in open shops and was forbidden to peddle from house to house or in the streets.


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