Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday that the Islamic Revolution changed the mindset of “We can’t” to “We can”.
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Tuesday received the members of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution.
Constant vigilance, accurate recognition of cultural weaknesses, and efforts to achieve wise solutions to eliminate weaknesses and promote correct cultural interpretations are among the basic requirements of cultural engineering in the country, he underlined.
Terming the country’s cultural guidance as the main role of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out the necessity of revolutionary reconstruction of the cultural structure of the country.
The Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution should offer wise solutions for spreading correct and decisive interpretations by observing and understanding the weaknesses and wrong cultural interpretations in various fields, he further noted.
Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted that the most important role and duty of this council is the cultural guidance of the country and society.
Stressing that the cultural guidance of official organizations is different from the cultural guidance of popular organizations, he noted that the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution can pave the way for the formation of public movement in important categories such as the expansion of the culture of avoiding extravagance with the proper guidance of thousands of people that are active in diverse and broad cultural activities.
Referring to his remarks last year in a meeting with the government delegation on the necessity of revolutionary reconstruction of the country’s cultural structure, the Supreme Leader noted that the meaning of the structure is the cultural structure of society besides the mentality and culture governing it, and in a word, it means the software on which people act in their individual and social lives.
The Islamic revolution was like a miracle due to the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) and people’s movement, he said, adding that the revolution changed the political, cultural and social foundations and the false perceptions that were dominating the minds of the people.
Pointing to the culture of “we cannot” as one of the wrong interpretations governing the society before the Islamic Revolution, the Supreme Leader underlined that the revolution gradually changed this mentality through construction and creative movements, resulting in great works such as the construction of dams, power plants, highways, oil and gas industry equipment as well as many infrastructures by young domestic experts.
Considering the culture of “Westernism” and even the use of foreign words as a false cultural statement dominating the society, Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the Islamic Revolution changed this false statement and turned it into a culture of “revolting against the West.”
Citing the change in the culture of “selfishness and fame” to the culture of “sacrifice and selflessness” as an example of the cultural impact of the Islamic Revolution on the personal lives of individuals, noting that despite the change of many false foundations, but various factors over time undermine the active spirit of the revolution, which must be taken seriously so that they do not regain those wrong foundations.With the help of the Revolution’s intellectual foundations and active youth, that revolutionary culture and spirit can be revived once again and a huge cultural movement can be created, he pointed out.
Terming the correct cultural engineering as a fundamental task for reforming the cultural structure, Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted that constant vigilance, and accurate knowledge of cultural weaknesses in areas such as society, politics, family, and lifestyle, besides the efforts to achieve wise solutions to eliminate weaknesses and promote correct cultural statements, are among the basic requirements of cultural engineering of the country.
Calling the necessity of scientific progress a dire need, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that universities, scientific and research centers should make scientific progress a top priority for themselves.