Iran, Uzbekistan mull over bilateral cooperation

Iran-Uzbekistan bilateral cooperation

On Thursday evening, the Iranian Foreign Minister held a meeting with Uzbekistan’s Deputy Prime Minister Sardor Umurzakov on bilateral relations between the two countries and key regional issues.

The meeting of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan’s neighbors, attended by the foreign ministers and officials of Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Qatar, began on Wednesday in the Chinese city of Tunxi.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, on Thursday evening, held a meeting with Uzbekistan’s Deputy Prime Minister Sardor Umurzakov on bilateral relations between the two countries and key regional issues.

During the meeting, the Iranian foreign minister congratulated Umurzakov on Nowruz as a common heritage of regional countries and expressed his pleasure on the progress in the relations between the two countries, especially following the meeting of the joint commission for economic cooperation. He also explained the approach of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on neighborly ties and conveyed the greetings of the Iranian president to his Uzbek counterpart.


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